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RE: My latest work spiral 19

in #art6 years ago

I am sorry to read that you consider your "used to be a good friend"'s words so sad and heartbreaking. I would ask myself: does my artwork need to make sense to anyone but me? Of course, it feels good to find others who share your feelings about a piece of artwork and sometimes it needs explanation for others to understand what is the sense oneself sees in it. But you can never have everybody happy, so I think in art it is necessary for oneself to be happy with one's work even if nobody else can find any sense in it. True, there are those who do something one wouldn't even call work and then they claim "you just don't understand it". This is so heavily subject to personal opinion that I just cannot tell how to separate "good" from "bad". Generally, I think that when there is more talk to it than work, then the art is in the talk, not in the object. Naturally, there are exceptions as well, as I do believe that "divine" inspiration happens.
You can never foresee all possible perceptions, reactions and interpretations of the audience and still less be prepared for them.
Very often, the only thing one can do is take things easy.


Thank you for your wisdom @rudomis. Yes, very true and I agree on your thoughts.

I was with artist friends the whole time. I don't have much friends and seldom meet them but meeting at event and engage with them is the best moment. Artists we all know, without speaking outloud, about those points you mentioned. We all see each others work and respect. The best is talk and listen to them to get further and deeper understanding to add on what I have perceived earlier, and enjoy their creation.

Well,.... that used to be good friend of mine was a photographer. He is very good and I admired his work even though I am no photography person, but just to see the arrangement, composition, colors... There were so much wows. So I came to believe photography is art just as our work...... . But maybe he didn't think he was an artist? Maybe I put too much expectation? I don't know now because he was getting unfriendly and at the end I told him "Good-bye".

Anyway, lately, I am thinking to feel that all artists are same as doing Ph.d. You know, there is no one else doing exactly the same as you pursue in a specific way and mind. We are all going a lonely ride on this 7.6billion people on this planet the whole time.

Downside is... which means I cannot refer to another artist. I do suffer a lot by this because I always don't know whether I am making "good" and "right" artwork. I know there isn't any right art, still my path is uncertain. I don't know when my work is in completion. Of cource I have to decide on that. So these insecurities does come up once in a while.

And thank you, I needed these kind of thoughts with someone @rudomis, I appreciate your responce..... so now I can take things easy. I also went to see your website, I liked the glass and others category 😄

Thank you very much for your reply.
I wouldn't say there's wisdom in my words -I wish there was- but rather think it's some (often enough condemned) experience. I am so much older than you (about 100 years, haha) and have lived quite some unease produced by people's comments about my work. In fact, as you mention, one does tend to expect too much, specially if you appreciate a person. Just try it the other way round. Imagine some artwork that doesn't make you feel anything at all, and then you get known to it's creator and he-she-it turns out to be a wonderful person. You may tell him what you think about the work, but you probably won't. Which option is the fairer one? As an artist you have to do your work mainly for yourself, this is more or less the only way to put your heart in it, which is then appreciated by the "right" people. Forget those that only hurt you. After all, this is more or less what you say: our artists' way is a rather lonely one.
This also explains that your uncertainties are somehow part of the way. Sooner or later you will find out when a piece is finished - I wish you the best for it to be soon. It also is certain that your way as an artist is one of never ending search. One can find one's way, but this is just one's personal manner to maintain the "quest".
Thanks for having a look at my work and I am glad if you liked at least a part of it. I have to admit that still it is important for me that there are people who like my work. Of course, for the sale, but for the feeling as well.
Take a lot of care!

Thank you for having a kind communication with me.
And exactly! You are almost a fortune-teller, so true and accurate of what you described and how you put it, I just nod.

Well, one thing, errr...m....I'm not sure we are that far apart😅
I started my 40s this year.
Anyway, your kindness helped me went throughout tough time.
Sooth and healed, I could finally put th behind me.
All the best to you. 😊

I am glad to find that I was of some help, thank you very much for appreciating my opinion.
All the best to you, too!