Would everything be the same...
Certain things, yes, which is why they would no longer be interesting at all. They would simply dissolve, and yes, this refers to many, many things, but not to everything. There would still be much left, because new, previously invisible things would now emerge. Those that were invisible due to these filters or frames.
So, what would be left is to explore those, to wander and wonder, to find others who are breaking out of their frames, or are at least aware of them (of the frames), to connect and explore together, to play, to love, to live.
I just thought of Plato's allegory of the cave.
Perhaps it is applicable here as well? Or perhaps not, in which case we'll just call this free-associating. :)
Or, if you are asking what would we and life itself be if everyone's frames were gone, and all were free, well... we can really only speculate, but why would we do that? :)
Invisible things would show themselves in front of eyes naked from the "clothes" of prejudice, bias and personal experience. Visible things would disappear also, stereotypes for example...
The cave? It makes sense at some point. The philosopher is the one who sees the "true truth" and tries to share this knowledge, communicate it to the people, by returning to set the rest of the prisoners free. (We were taught the Cave at high school)
And actually I was just wondering how the world would be if all of a sudden we were all "free" of our frames, our chains, those of education, society, personal experiences. They all make us perceive reality in very specific ways... I guess everything would be, I don't know how they would be. You're right. I think it's hard even to try speculate. :)
Would everything be the same...
Certain things, yes, which is why they would no longer be interesting at all. They would simply dissolve, and yes, this refers to many, many things, but not to everything. There would still be much left, because new, previously invisible things would now emerge. Those that were invisible due to these filters or frames.
So, what would be left is to explore those, to wander and wonder, to find others who are breaking out of their frames, or are at least aware of them (of the frames), to connect and explore together, to play, to love, to live.
I just thought of Plato's allegory of the cave.
Perhaps it is applicable here as well? Or perhaps not, in which case we'll just call this free-associating. :)
Or, if you are asking what would we and life itself be if everyone's frames were gone, and all were free, well... we can really only speculate, but why would we do that? :)
This needs some deeper thought.
Invisible things would show themselves in front of eyes naked from the "clothes" of prejudice, bias and personal experience. Visible things would disappear also, stereotypes for example...
The cave? It makes sense at some point. The philosopher is the one who sees the "true truth" and tries to share this knowledge, communicate it to the people, by returning to set the rest of the prisoners free. (We were taught the Cave at high school)
And actually I was just wondering how the world would be if all of a sudden we were all "free" of our frames, our chains, those of education, society, personal experiences. They all make us perceive reality in very specific ways... I guess everything would be, I don't know how they would be. You're right. I think it's hard even to try speculate. :)