I saw the image on my phone earlier and I am looking at it again on my computer now... the eyes are still "alive". That was a great combination!
And the green woman figure reminds me of Cersei Lannister, "Maleficent" Angelina Jolie and some "Lion King" altogether.
The beard adds to the "Lion King" notions (reminds me of some scenes from Scar's song with the hyenas)...
I thought about adding more detail to that area you're seeing as the Lion KIng (I had a feeling that would come up) and company but decided I better not because it might steal the show away from the head as a whole and the eyes. The part in front of the mind should make people think.
Noticing a trend? LOL!
Ooooh, right! That moth-ghost-queen figure is there and the posture of "grandeur" as well...