Awesome talent. I wish for a whole lot more explanation or assistance in a form I could translate into such ability. Just wishful thinking though. Great stuff. This stuff should be earning well.
Remember the content and posting is the easy part. The marketing is the important part which requires the building of relationships which result in the desire to view your new material at each login.
Be sure to follow and join, since you are a South African and investigate every avenue for developing your nucleus of devout well to do followers.
The fact that some of your innitial material earned very well is evidence of your potential to earn very well and should not lead to your discouragement as your present material is not earning on the same level but rather a determination to make your own 'fortune' through learning all their is to know about how the top dogs operate and emulating those aspects you find admirable.
Thanks for the encouragement, @ruthofisrael. I have requested to join @teamsouthafrica and am awaiting a response.