Welcome back :) Sounds like quite a few major life changes happened, not surprised posting had to take a back seat for a while.
The swamp monster is kinda cute in a Nightmare Before Christmas kind of way XD
Have you seen the communities?
I can't remember if steem had the proposal system before we moved, too long ago x_x

Hey thanks!! Good to see a familiar face :D
I haven't seen communities yet, but I'll check them out. Honestly, I don't fully understand how everything works on hive yet lol. I don't really feel like I ever got a full handle on steemit either, but whenever I go to the hive hub and see the dozens of apps its like I have no idea what's going on --I can't even figure out how to update my profile image haha. Trying to figure it out tho.
Next post will show the process for the swamp monster, so you'll get to see a little bit of the inspo and reference I used for that. NBC was an inspiration for sure! Just trying to figure out what a realistic posting schedule looks like so I set myself up for success here.
Start with definitely posting at least once a week and counting anything on top of that as bonus? :)
I moderate (to some value of moderate x_x) Artbees (we're very casual and free and easy) and OnChainArt (we're somewhat strict on quality standard and probably the most rules-heavy art community to date), that might get you started somewhere :) The communities page has a search function which might help you find more areas of interest.
They will redirect you to the peakd interface if you're not using that already
If it's any consolation I haven't figured out how everything works yet either.
I have also not really looked because I keep doing other things
Ah thanks for the thoughts! Once a week is something I was thinking about, so I'm gonna start with that.
Hey I have a question for you. I just posted a more in depth post on the lagoon creature to my blog, but also wanted to post to the OnChainArt community...is it bad practice to post in both places?
I don't think so as there is an option in Peakd (and possibly in other interfaces) to cross-post to your blog if you're posting in a community. It will show up twice in your "all posts" view then (on Peakd, I don't know if other interfaces have one) and will also show up twice in your followers' feeds (or more times if you also cross-post into other communities).
I'd advise cross-posting (tick the box that asks if you also want to post to your blog when posting to the community) rather than posting twice as I know that there are people out there looking for things to get upset about that will have a tantrum about you "double dipping".