Oh there's more to the head, didn't see on the Discord server (because they have tiny logos XD), is it possible to add a super thin white outline to the black parts? Anyway love the bee it's super cute. I vaguely remember seeing the post with the bees on it but it was late and I should have been in bed, might have to go look for it XD
Also you know what I actually really really like this very much:
That we do NOT have ANY voting powers. If you're ONLY arting to get paid, then we will be of no use whatsoever to you.
But if you're here to build a community, to be a part of a support network where artists help each other, socialize, mingle, chat, talk about our frustrations and short-comings, learn, and enjoy the presence of close-knitted art friends, then, DO JOIN US :D
Definitely stick with this :D

OH ! I will try to add white outline! That is one snazzy idea, I have to say, fyn :D !!!
And yep, gotta be stated that we're REALLY, at its heart, a very pure actual community XD There ain't gold here but there's genuine friendship ...... which is FAB LIKE HECC anywayyyyyyy AMIRITEEEE~