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RE: Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #170 'Gold Or No Gold'

in #art7 years ago

Welcome to the "Art of Shit" ohhhh i mean Art of Gold or No Gold :P

Life is the name of to do something Big! Big in thoughts, Big in approach or Big in Toilet .. Performance does matter a lot wherever you go in whatever situation you are residing. Performance does matter for sure.

In this Goldy Art! some one with big aim rushed towards Toilet (as he was stuck into traffic before ) he was thinking about something very Deep and Big while he sat upon Pot and started thinking about his Big aim. In his childhood he read a story in his text book about the How can you make others impress?
So he concluded By Doing Big Shits in Life I can make myself important

So he put a huge pressure on himself and awarded the Steemians with Gold infact with very BIG PIECES of Gold :P :P

By The way i am bit late but i shared my thoughts upon this great Art of Photography @velimir ;)