Mandalas: The Universe converted into art

in #art7 years ago (edited)
The term mandala is of Sanskrit origin which means "wheel or circle" and come from Buddhism and Hinduism; They are symbolic and spiritual representations of the macrocosm and microcosm, a sign of the order of the universe and of the cosmos. These have many interpretations according to their shape and color. This for many cultures represents the wheel of reincarnations that does not stop spinning, and is the life and death of reincarnations without end, is the basis of Hinduism and Buddhism.

In Buddhist philosophy, the important thing is not mandalas, but the process of creating


Although it is of spiritual and religious origin we do not want to enter into controversy about this subject, since everyone has their beliefs, but we must certainly know that there are many cultures where we find these forms either circular or quadrangular, We can even see it within Christianity, with the famous "Mandorla of the Father God" who is the creator of the whole reality.


The mandalas in Christianity are the representation between the connection between the mundane and the spiritual

Did you know that drawing them is a form of therapy?

To talk about Mandalas is to talk about mysticism and energies and that is why they are considered a fun way to fight stress, because shapes and colors transmit energies and are unconscious representations of your inner "me".


That is why, within this rather mystical perspective, mandalas have the following purposes:

• They fill the home with positive energies, bringing balance and prosperity.
• When transforming negative energy into positive, it is believed that they can act as healers.
• Represent the vital balance, peace and calm. Visually, they are an artistic manifestation that envelops us with balance and tranquillity.

What do their colors convey?

Red: It represents the first chakra and transmits the strength and value of love and passion. Also of pride.
Orange: It's the second chakra. It is the color of ambition and also of optimism, of the existing force in oneself to achieve purposes and objectives.
Yellow: Third Chakra, it speaks to us of intelligence, of good doing and also of personal liberation.
Green: Fourth Chakra. It follows the values of hope and healing. It also offers a balance between love and reason.
Blue: It is the fifth chakra. As you can intuit, the blue color is the reflection of calm and peace, also of tolerance.
Indigo: It is the sixth chakra. It helps us communicate with the inner self so that problems can be solved with balance and good work.
Violet: It is the seventh chakra. A magic color. It transmits imagination and spirituality.
Pink: Eighth Chakra. A nice color that surrounds us with love and friendship, also of charm.
Black: Related to sadness, death, deep, ignorance and mystery.
White: purification, illumination. It's the color of perfection, of nothingness or everything to do.
Grey: Calm, wait, neutrality, wisdom and renewal.
Silver: Psychic abilities, fluctuating emotions.
Gold: Wisdom and lucidity.


What do their forms convey?

Circle: Remoteness but also security, the absolute and the true "I".
Square: Balance and stability.
Triangle: Related to water, transformation and vitality
Spiral: Healing energies
Cross: symbol of decisions and is related to the cardinal points.
Heart: Union, love, happiness.
The star: related to freedom and spirituality.
Pentagon: Represents the symbols of the Earth, water and fire, as well as the shape of the human body.
Hexagon: Balance and union of the counter.
Butterfly: Related to the transformation, death and self-renewal of the soul.
Labyrinth: Confusion, reflection and the search of the Self Center.


Anti-stress Project: encourage you to draw a mandala

How about a mini-project? If you liked the publication, draw a mandala and publish using the hashtag #Dibujaunmandala and mentioning our account @saltoangel so we can all enjoy their art (we will Resteem and vote).There are many ways to do it, not only drawings are also in fabrics, paintings, stones, murals and many more ways. Cheer up!