Pencil 25 x 20 cm
I made this drawing in 2013 and is still one of my personal favorites. I started this for a contest where they wanted a dark book cover which contains dark poetry. I kind of took my own vision on it and wanted to create a story on itself with some hidden messages. The title will give away something about the message. Eventually when I finished it and send it in, the contest disappeared and never heard something about it. So it could be stolen and used but never found it anywhere....
It took me about 60 hours to complete this drawing. I hope you like it :)
Another wonderful work, @sanderjansenart ! I love the details and the design <3 Those tiny masks, all of them smiling ! Lovely, lovely work :D
Thank you so much @veryspider! Glad you love it :D
holy hell...
This is kinda the direction I want my drawings to go. Wicked artwork!
Thank you very much! That is a great direction :)
Very nice, I think your work would fit nicely on a book cover or inside of it.
Thank you Sycop! Yeah it really sucked it didn't get on any cover as far as I know :|
yes this drawing nice
Thank you very much! :)
So fucking inspiring!
Thank you very much! :D
I love the face of the character in the lower left corner. And the landscape textures are really smooth. Did you use a chamois?
Thank you @ideaman! Not sure what you mean with chamois? But if you're asking what I used to make the smooth gradients it's a "tortillon" which I use to blend the pencil structure :)