"Graffiti" - street art or vandalism?

in #art7 years ago

A few days ago, I made a post about one of the biggest problems in my city - "vandalism".

It was about damage to ancient architecture city worthless scribbles. The quality of street drawings depends on the author himself. Someone puts a soul into their work, and someone is incapable of drawing a damn architecture of the city! In some cases, this art dilutes the streets with colored colors and makes them "alive". I can say with certainty that "graffiti" (high-quality) is a street decoration!


The graphite depicts the historical center of the city of Lviv.

Where did this art go and who came up with it?

According to Internet sources, the first graffiti appeared in ancient Greece. Small labels, designations and drawings were found on the walls of the city of Ephesus, and historians identified them as local advertising for prostitution. A movement called "graffiti" began in the 60's of last century in New York, when local graffiti-creators marked the wagons of the metro with their names. This is an art received from the newspaper The New York Times, when in 1971 an article about one of the most famous "wagon" names - TAKI 183 - was published. Since then, the style of street art "graffiti" has gained its turn by thus coloring the current streets of our cities!

I have some more photos of the cool street art!




What do you think of this kind of art?



Я думаю, что графити это искуство, вот только не все сразу рождаются художниками. Я знаю парней, которые специально перекрашивают дуратские написи в отличные рисунки.

Я вважаю, що навчитися можна будь-чому. Головне мати бажання та впевнено крокувати до своєї мети. Малювати це не так складно. Головне освоїти базу та довго тренуватися. Тут більша проблема постає у фантазії (від цього залежить якість робіт).
Мені гріє душу те, що люди вкладають у свої роботи душу. Чудесно, що існують люди, які з "пустого місця" створюють якісний арт!