Spring has come, so it's time to update and my planner. Winter gray I decided to switch to green, and my favorite minimalist design move away in favor of the girl-spring-green

I've been keeping a diary for half a year now, and I'm getting more and more involved in it. As I just knew - planner or bullet journal is a very popular thing lately, and there are many different ways of doing it, even certain canonical spreads, such as trackers, or, for example, various drawings on the first pages of the month. I looked and studied a huge number of the most diverse planners, and I was convinced of how useful this is, and most importantly for people like me - who often throw something from the fact that it is banally boring
Wishing to share with you the fascination of this process, and maybe to push to create a similar one, this time I decided not just to take pictures of pages, but to record a video about how it all happens

голосую из-за хорошей музыки, мне нравится)
Скажите пожалуйста , а что за это группа?
https://soundcloud.com/softwarelabel/gabi-fleece-autre-ne-veut-club-mix https://soundcloud.com/andre-uhl/andre-uhl-oil-from-lumenous-2 https://soundcloud.com/suicidewave/river
не поняла вопроса
какой исполнитель использован в вашем видео? а ссылки это от меня к вам, может и понравится что-то, на мой взгляд похоже по стилю
Поняла. Elsiane – Unstable (WOODJU RMX)