
Thank you. I think that's right, critics have no place out of a classroom.

Clones are a tough issue.
I would HOPE everyone in the arts are there to benefit each-other.
Rivalry, competition, sport all can be fantastic for art in general, and artists themselves.
When it is done with an honor or code.
It neither needs to be written or spoken; it is just right.

When someone would break laws in California known as unfair Business practices it is open to litigation.
It's unfair completion, false advertising, then there is "derivative art", copyright infringement.

It's not a way I would encourage young artists to proceed.
Engage in essentially criminal behavior against a fellow artist and infringe on their ability to make money.
Theft to the basest level.
It's more common than I would ever prefer.

This individual has taken so much and appears in my life.
They are stuck in this trap of their own making and I can't get away fast enough.
Trying to get into Asia before he works a clone and tries to push me out.
He appears to suppress anger that i was able to survive being stolen from.