Surreal art depicts the physical world in a way that doesn't make logical sense. Every day objects may become strange creatures, the laws of physics may be broken, a figure may be rearranged into an unfamiliar and alien form.
Today marks the beginning of a contest where I ask you, the artists of Steemit, to create an original piece of surreal art for a chance to win Steem Backed Dollars.
- First Prize: 5 SBD (1 winner)
- Second Prize: 3 SBD (2 winners)
- Third Prize: 2 SBD (2 winners)
- Fourth Prize: 1 SBD (5 winners)
In total, I'll be giving away 20 SBD to the winners of this contest. The prize money will be transferred after the winners have been announced.
What must I do to win?
Make a piece of art that bends the laws of reality. Drawings, paintings, digital paintings, and even edited photos are acceptable. I want this contest to be open to all artists. I don't want to restrict you to one medium.
You may submit as many pieces as you want, but you will only be eligible for one prize. For example, if you submit two pieces of art, you cannot win both first and fourth prizes. Only one of your pieces will be selected to win a prize. So submitting more art may increase your chances of winning a prize, but it's impossible to win more prizes.
Rules for Submission
- The art must be your original work. I'll be doing reverse Google searches to check.
- The art must fit into the surreal genre.
- The art should be a piece created for this contest. Please don't submit old works for an easy chance to win prizes. This is harder for me to check on, so please be honest.
- You must Upvote and Resteem this post to be eligible to win.
- You must submit your drawing as a post on your Steemit blog with the tag #surrealart.
- You must show me your piece by leaving a comment on this post, linking me to your artwork.
- Submissions are closed once this post pays out in 7 days.
Here are some examples of surreal art to give your imagination a push
I apologize that I couldn't find the titles for some of the less famous works presented here. I don't expect anyone to create something nearly as elaborate as some of these pieces. I just want you to use your imagination and create something cool!

Salvador Dali

Peter Gric

And finally, here's a Photoshop creation of mine from many years ago.

Seth Tomlinson
I hope these images are an inspiration to you! Draw/paint/Photoshop away! I can't wait to see what you all come up with.
My 1st entry: Fear is Imaginary but Danger is Real (A semi-abstract art)
Awesome! Thanks for entering the contest.
The contest is now closed.
Here is my entry:
Its a pen and ink I just finished.
Thanks for entering! But be sure to resteem this post if you want to be eligible to win the prizes.
I got it - just in time.
Your piece was just featured in my last showcase of contest entries. Thanks again for entering!
Hello guys,here is my entry
Amazing! Thanks for participating.
Thank you so much, my pleasure
IS THIS inspired by GYO?
Wow, this is interesting.
My first entry:
great work, who were your inspirations?
I didn't have a particular inspiration for this it was quite freeform I had an idea that I wanted to do an animal/human hybrid and I just let it flow :)
All the art on this post is incredible. (The smart-phone alien facehugger is on-point).
But this entry by @juliakponsford is, for me, on a different level.
I can’t remember the last time I saw something this angst-inducing.
Because there’s nothing intrinsically terrifying or horrifying about it. It’s not even really “grotesque.”
Just the face, by itself, would be kind of cute.
Combined with that...that body-ish...thing.
I just...
I can’t look at it and I can’t not look at it.
It’s perfect.
I think because the body colour looks like skin but the body is so inhuman, thanks for the comments :)
Something about this piece is provoking a strange emotional response. I think it must be her face. I'm gonna have to let this one sit with me for a while. Thank you so much for your amazing entry!
😊 it does have a disturbing quality, thanks for hosting I may see if I can make another entry before it closes!
creative!!!!!! :D hi Juliaaaaaa this is nice :D
Love this one , nice creativity @juliakponsford.
Here is my entry
This is incredible! Thank you so much for participating.
Nice to be here :) Thank you for hosting this contest.
This one is my favorite. Nice work @marinaart.
Thank you very much:)
Here is my entry and associated post!. I hope to maybe get it colored, but I wanted to make sure it got into the contest on time. Resteemed and upvoted. :)
This is wonderful! Thanks for entering. Even if the coloured version isn't finished on time, I'd love to see it.
Hi I hope it's not too late to submit!
Here's the link to my entry:
Picture of my entry
Title: Pod Playground
Mixed Media
ive updated the photo with a recent and clearer one!
This is fantastic! Seriously. Thank you so much for entering my contest.
Thank you for the awesome theme !!! :D
and Thanks for saying so.. makes me happy to hear it! <3
the pic just doesnt fit the scanner T.T so theres a little bit glare on it. anyway youll see the different pics I took of it on the post!
Getting good digital images of art is tough. I try to avoid using the scanner if I can help it because the scanner often leaves digital artefacts. But taking a decent photo without any glare is a chore too!
There are pros and cons of using a scanner and in using a camera.
artist problems xD
this is the best I can come up with :)
My entry to the contest :
Awesome! Thank you for entering.
Hello fellow artists of Steemit, this is my entry to the contest, I hope you like it!
I've been doing a lot of figures and nudes lately, so this one is right up my ally! Thanks for participating.
Thank you very much, I appreciate your comment. :D and thanks to you for organizing these contests that support the artists of Steemit
No problem at all! After over a year on Steemit, I think I'm getting to a point where I can consider myself a little bigger than a minnow, and now I think I owe something back to the community. So I'm happy to run a contest "share the wealth" showcase other artists.
Hey, I enjoyed this challenge so much. Here is my entry:
Swimming with the Fishes
Already upvoted and resteemed.
Thanks a bunch @sethlinson :)
nice! I like it!
Thanks! :D
Awesome job! Thank you for participating.
I am very excited to share my first participation in this contest, I hope you like this totally original illustration of my authorship. Greetings and many hugs from Venezuela <3
Love it! Thank you so much for participating.
Espectacular!!! Me encantó!
My entry to the contest was based on a pencil. I thought in an independent pencil, with brain and heart. I ran out of time and culminate it like that. Probably improve it in the near future.
Thanks for the contest: @sethlinson
Unfortunately you missed the deadline by a couple of hours. And I don't want to start making exceptions.
Hear is my entry
I am not accustomed to oil pastels but I did not have access to my painting equipment last minute.
I love the colours! Sorry for my delayed response! Stay tuned, in a few days I'll announce the winners.
Your piece is one of the featured works in today's showcase of contest entries. Thanks for entering! Today I'll be making my announcement of the winners. So be on the lookout!
Unfortunately I just discovered your contest today. I spent the whole day painting for my book project. I hope the art fits in here and even if it is not only made for this contest, I hope to get a chance participating! Thanks for your work :)
I'll allow it! The piece definitely fits into the surreal genre.
Just remember, if you want to be eligible to win, you have to resteem this post.
This time something a bit different. I'm not big fan of huge manipulations in Photoshop, though still considering need to come closer to this topic. Have not so many such works and here is one of them.
The sad angel with black wings... Shot at Baltic Sea coast, natural light only
Thank you so much for your submission!
Despite that fact that it's a manipulated photo, it has the look and feel of a charcoal drawing. Thanks for submitting!
My pleasure to participate. Very interesting contest!
My Entry:
Very cool! It looks almost cellular. I'm not sure what your intentions for the piece were, but I see a figure trapped in a tangled mess of limbs. Thank you for your fantastic entry!
Beautiful painting! Thank you.
This is my first entry @ sethlinson. Thank you
I love the colours! Thank you for your participation.
Very cool! Thanks for submitting.
Youre welcome
What a lovely piece of art! Thank you for joining this contest.
Heehehe, thanks for your contest
My Entry for this contest. Hope I am not too late. :))
Amazing! Thank you for entering. You aren't late at all.
Very cool!
Thank you so much
Awesome contest!! wish I had the time to make a drawing to participate
There's still a few days left! Your entry can be as simple or complex as you want it to be.
If I find a moment I will most certainly try to get something out of my head on to paper!
This one I made today, it is not my best, but if you look at that post and the one before you'll understand. Either way, need a distraction and this contest is a good way. best
Thank you for participating :) I love your entry.
Thank you. 😊
Wow, cool contest. I will try to make something... Lets see what I can make happen in the time :) I am looking forward to see the other entries too :) Resteemed and totally happy to see this cool contest :)
Thanks for joining! I'm excited to see what you come up with :)
Hello. My participation.
Hi,@sethlinson here my entry
Thank so so much for entering!
Gracias por la oportunidad
Today ive made this Entry with Oculus Rift Medium -
Postproduktion Flame Painter
I hope its not to late ... Thank you
This is great! And no, you aren't too late. Thanks for entering!
This is my first entry
Thank you so much for entering. It looks awesome!
Thank youu! I am very happy with this contest!
Hello everyone! here my entry for the contest. Success!!
Wonderful! Thank you for entering.
Hi everyone. Here is my entry.

As If, oil painting on canvas.
Just in time! Sorry for my late response and thank you for entering the contest. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winners in a few days.
Wonderful competition, I've been enjoying looking through the entrants and your daily bonus drawings. I only saw the post yesterday so the paint is still wet ;)
My entry
You pulled it off quickly! Thanks for entering. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winners in a few days.
Hi, here is my entry:

Very cool. Sorry for my delayed response! Thank you for submitting your artwork. Stay tuned, in a few days I'll announce the winners.
hola!! aca mi aporte al concurso, espero guste :)
This is amazing! Sorry for my late response. Thank you for entering the contest and stay tuned for the announcement of the winners in a few days!
hi this is my entry to the contest
"Crazy hatter"
Sorry for the delayed response! Thank you for submitting your artwork. Stay tuned, in a few days I'll announce the winners.
Hi, sorry for my delayed response! Thank you for submitting your fantastic drawing. Stay tuned, in a few days I'll announce the winners.
Thank you for organizing, it was a pleasure to participate.
here ise my entry :
You're a couple days late my friend. I'll be running more contests in the near future, so if you watch out for those you can try again.
Here is my entry, hope you enjoy!
It is a digital painting, made with procreate app on ipad.
This definitely reminds me of something I've seen before... maybe an album cover. I can't put my finger on it! Anyway, it's very cool. Thanks for entering!
Now you’ve got me wondering what it could be, i am a bit of a music addict. Please let me know if you remember! Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on your contest, great initiative :)
Hola, aqui mi entrada.
Great work! Thank you for entering the contest.
Thanks for participating :)
This entry is a bit late, but I had a lot of fun doing it.
Thanks for hosting this awesome contest. Lots of great art here.
Surreal Art Contest
You're not late. All entries are accepted until the post payout time. Thanks for entering!
Hello my brother, here my entry.
Thanks for entering :)
Better late then never, but here is my entry for the #surrealart contest. This is my piece here.
I upvoted and resteemed this post and here is MY POST with my entry. I hope I did it all correctly. Thanks again for hosting this.
Nope, you're not late. The contest is still open. Thank you for entering.
Not too late at all! The contest doesn't close until tomorrow. Thank you for your art.
Glad made it on time.
Hope to see more contests like this in the future :D
Amazing stuff peeps!
Looking forward to participate. Up voted and resteemed done.
Dios! me estoy enterando un poco tarde de este concurso. Desde ya comenzaré a pintar para que me de chance de publicar hoy. He dado reestem/ upvote para ser elegible. Saludos.
I can still make it!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!!!!