This is the story of an untrain overconfident wannabe glassblower.
Well, today was a good day I had a productive day at work, saw a friend that I didn't see in a long time, light up my Nortel red max for the first time and on top of that, the weather was perfect.On the other end, since I plan this for quite a will I set my goal a bit too big.My hope was to the roof and I was dreaming of making the Fume comb demo from TT that look like this.!
After an hour which was the only time I had.I manage to make a shitty clear blank.sadly the blow tube crack off while cooling.
This new hobby will take time to master.I have play whit the differents tools and flame chemistry. I Light up the big burner and i manage to do all that and leave unscratch.
At the end of the day, I go to sleep very happy and proud of all the shit I made.
That's cool. Well you'll get better with time lol And maybe a little study lol
thanks for your comment. Don't worry I will devote all my free time to this from now on stay tune for more.