About time someone came up with a post on this topic. The other day, someone said to me 'quality doesn't matter much here on Steemit' and that's mainly because of the bots and spammers here. Because they keep corrupting everything, it is hard for quality work to gain recognition. I have some trouble mingling with people. I love to socialize but I don't want people to think that I am socializing just to get their upvotes or favors from them because that is not my style so I take a lot of caution in interacting with people cos I don't want to perceive my gesture as something else. I am quite open when expressing my joy about something I like but I feel that when I praise someone too much, he/ she may think that I am doing it just to get their upvote. Anyhow, got a little side-tracked. Thank you for bringing up this topic and the idea for the poster is quite amusing! :D
I worry that all the spammers and bots will put people off interacting and encouraging minnows. This post was kinda silly but also serious regarding automating processes and dropping human interaction.