Dear friends,
you may have noticed, that I recently had been off the grid. In case you were wondering: A very close person entered a new decade and she wanted an epic party that required a lot of preparation and organization. For example, I listened through my music collection for days, because I had been chosen to make the 50+ guests dance.
In summary, the party was such a great success that I had to recover for a few days afterwards.
But now I'm back to business!
Breaking the Grid, Digital Art 2018
Known Origin
KnownOrigin.In the last few weeks I have been working on a special form of digital art and therefore I am very happy to inform you that some of my #gridart works are now officially offered on the #cryptoart trading platform
You can follow this link to view and buy one of my rare digital artworks over there. All you need is the metamask extension and some Ethereum. The artworks come in an edition of 5 and they are exclusively avalaible at, meaning they won't be available elsewhere. I'm also planning to constantly add new pieces, so don't forget to bookmark.
KnownOrigin on Steemit
indroduction post to learn more about their vision to create an amazing art platform for "rare digital artwork + collectables".I'm also quite excited to announce, that the team from @knownorigin has just joined Steemit. Please check their
If you're an artist or collector, you should definitely give them a follow!
New Works
Finally here are some more of my #gridart works, that probably will be available at KnownOrigin soon:
Mr. Blue, Digital Art 2018
Blued, Digital Art 2018

Gritched, Digital GIF Art 2018
Thanks for watching!
@shortcut - Crypto Artist

Glad to hear the party was a success. I really love this new avenue of art you've been exploring recently, it fits you like a glove.
It's definitely great, when all the hard works pays off.
I'm happy about your appreciation of my art style, seems like I've found something that the viewers enjoy as much as I do :-)
Never regret a party lol.
Your art looks like the future, a place where man and machine become one.
In that future, the recovery time from a massive party will be one millisecond. :)
Haha, yes I regret nothing, but a fast recovery would it make more easy to party all the time. I would definitely know what to do, when I’m retired ;-) Thanks for your comment!
your works are always cool as usualwelcome back @shortcut
they made you the DJ of the party?
Thanks, my wife wanted me to rock the party. She knows, that I'm quite good at it, but I was a little out of practice. So it took a while to pick the best stuff from my huge collection.
Glad to hear that party was success and gridart success, art is beautiful 😊
Have a good day 😀
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for your feedback!
Ich finde diese „gridart“ Werke klasse und bin mir sicher das die sich auch als. Poster super machen würden.
Auch die Seite KnownOrigin sieht echt interessant aus! Werd sie gleich mal auschecken ;)
Vielen Dank für dein positives Feedback! Zum Glück kann ich endlich wieder kommentieren ;-)
Hehe ja der Hardfork ist semi geil gelaufen^^
...sag mal wegen, hab mich da eingetragen aber scheint nix weiter zu passieren...wie hast du dich registriert?
Ich bin von knownOrigin auf twitter gefragt worden, ob ich nicht einige meiner Kunstwerke über deren Plattform verkaufen möchte. Die sind aber nicht die Schnellsten - hat ein paar Tage/Wochen gedauert, bis die Sachen endlich online waren. Da musst du ein wenig Geduld haben.
Hey cool dann wünsch ich mal viel Erfolg beim Verkauf ...hoffentlich duerts mei mir nicht so lang 😕
Vielen Dank! Ich drücke dir auf jeden Fall die Daumen, dass es schnell geht.
firstly, amazing artwork!
I am an artist and am just getting onto a second platform to sell digital art tied to crypto. I think it really is the next major step for artists. If they are looking for other artists, how does one submit?
Thanks! You can easily request the artwork submission form at their website.
Would love to see your work over there.