New Acrylic Painting [Including Making-Of]

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Dear friends and followers,

after beeing busy curating for my @creative-commons account and talking to several people about an upcoming project during the past days, I finally had some time to get back to working on a new painting.

Acrylic on canvas, 2018 (about DIN A3).

As always, it's a bit tricky to decide if the painting is finished. So I'm happy for any feedback I can get from my readers.


It all started with a black canvas, that has been a X-mas present from my wife. A few days later I just made some light blue strokes with a broad brush and some red ones with a narrower brush.


While I started to paint other pictures, I did not forget about this one. But I had no idea, in which direction I would head, when I decided to start working on it again today. All I knew was, that I wanted to use a very fine brush and some white paint today.


So I started to paint something, that looks like a mixture between a robot and a skeleton. Then I switched to the right side of the canvas, where I painted something like multi-faced female. At the bottom of this figure you can also see, that I applied my outline technique.


Here you can see, that I was trying to grow the patterns in order to create a connection between the two.


Which then led to filling up the whole lower right diagonal plane. I had the feeling, that I would need some kind of compensation, so I decided to add some more patterns around the other diagonal line, which gave me the possibilty to paint some kind sun in the upper right corner.

Here is the painting in its actual state again:


I really would like to get some opinions on this (besides "awesome artwork" and "you are very talented").

Thanks in advance!

@shortcut - creativity is based on freedom!

P.S.: If you are interested in seeing, what my six year old daughter Milla came up with, while she watched me painting this, please have a look over there!



I had a reaction similar to @thi-js , except it made me think of Aztecs. There is a flow from the earth, Mother Nature, upwards. Life advances and expands and travels to the constellation Orion. The original painting was discovered near Lascaux,France -- the site famous for its Palaeolithic cave paintings.

It appears humanity was here a lot longer than previously known. We don't have proof yet, but experts agree.

PS Suggestion for a contest post. Get people to write a story in 200 words about what the painting means. (The hard part is the judging :-)

Haha, great amplification of the story! I also like the idea of a writing contest. To make the judging easier, I could limit the number of entries to one or let people write the story in alien language ;-)

Honestly: I didn't expect people to feel so inspired by the painting, that they would be able to write an interpretation of some length about it...

I think you might be surprised on this one, it really says a lot, I showed it to my wife and she was pointing out things she saw :-) Get some advice from Kus-Knee he's the king of contest.

Thanks again for the motivation. I‘ll see if/when I will give it a try. A friendly greeting to your wife!

I got so busy thinking about the painting that I forgot to upvote this amazing painting! I just noticed that on your blog :-0 !!!!!!!

Haha :-) I guess the painting has magical powers...
Certainly appreciate your vote a lot :-)

Wow. this one combines some feelings from the old Egyptians ( the hieroglyphs ) and some science formulae to the best dude!

in order to create a connection between the two.

You did fine with that! :) I like the fact that the upper left corner is still clear. It does make the painting a little bit more piecfull when compared to it bing full all the way
100% Up-vote from Amsterdam.


Thanks a lot for your feedback (and power vote)! Much appreciated :-)
Glad you had the same association regarding the alien hieroglyphs.
I also had the feeling, that I shouldn't fill it up completely.

Yeah, it feels both old and futuristic. Either way it does try to communicate with the audience =) how long did you spend on the piece?


That’s cool! I like, when my art communicates. The background took me (obviously) just a few minutes. But the white paint took me the whole day.

In the fourth picture from the top, I see a horse watching the skeleton-robot and does not look very happy.

The first thing I saw was the pregnant woman bending over to carry the weight of all the scribbling in the right side.

Cool, I didn't notice that before. Both look terrified about the other one.
Amazing find, thanks :-)

Great painting! the whole thing comes together. I still think about A. R. Penck when I see your things.

Thanks a lot for comparing my art with those of Mr. Penck - I can live very good with that ;-)
If Steem hits 100$ I will also paint my car like this:

By Arnaud 25 - Own Work, CC-BY-SA 4.0, Link

Love this piece. Gets me thinking about language. 100% upvoted, and following you now, fellow artist!

Thanks for your feedback and vote. Thinking about language is a funny thing (because you need language to think about it).
I usually would have upvoted your comment, but I saw, you already did it yourself (which is a bit uncommon). Anyways, happy to connect!

Oh, sometimes I do that so as to try to get my comments towards the top so as to not get lost at the bottom. Didn't realize it was a weird thing to do!

Usually people only upvote their comments, when they really, really need to get noticed. It's because self upvoting (of comments) has been abused by too many people in the past...

Oh, okay, thanks for the tip!

It is like one being is made of absolutely everything and another too shattered to hold a construction of the painting, but better yet strives to point himself upwards to a direction and out of that space.
It is like the on the right side a matter meats the motion on the left, and there is another , the third being being created by the multitudes of those two forces.
I hope you like my a little bit poetical description of what I see in there.

Very interesting observations! I like your poetical interpretation a lot (especially that you noticed the third figure between the poles of the other two :-) Thanks a lot!

Na mein Guter, das gefällt mir aber wirklich sehr gut. Starkes Ding.

Du hattest letztens gemeint, es würde dich freuen, wieder öfter von mir zu lesen. Ich bin @besteulz und wieder aktiver, hab hier nen neuen Account für meinen KryptoKram gemacht.

Danke für dein positives Feedback! Das ist ja schonmal ein guter Anfang. Ich glaub, ich folge dem b-s Account sogar schon.

Na, Qualität zieht eben an, oder wie war das? :D

This is been the 3rd or 4th post of your paintings that I've seen and I truly enjoy your style. You have some Modern elements and yet I almost see something that Harkens back to a chess set can a picture. Thanks again for sharing your artistry.

Hey, thanks a lot for your feedback :-) Really appreciate what you say regarding my art. I try to bring up some root elements without thinking too much about it and puzzle it together somehow. I‘m often surprised by the final painting myself.

Its the unusual concept of this painting that attracts me. Where did you get this idea from??

Thanks! It developed over time. I guess, it's origin came from my doodles. It was actually the first time, I tried to apply those ideas/techniques to an acrylic painting.
But basically I'm not a concept artist, I just try to let it flow.

Wow.... Well.. Im more of a concept artist... I dont draw some pictures until they fit my taste....

If only I do painting.. I would have tried to do this just once. Real lovely.

Followed you right away

Thank you for the follow! Happy to connect :-)

Irgendwie musste ich sofort an die Summerer denken :D Die hätten deinen Style garantiert total gefeiert.

Sieht echt cool aus mein Lieber.

Haha! Die muss ich erstmal googeln ;-) Danke dir für dein Feedback!

Sehr kryptisch @shortcut :P Ich sehe die Zeichen sich zu einem Satellit oder Teleskop formen links oben 8^)

Haha, "kryptisch" finde ich gut :-) Stimmt aber, könnte auch so eine Art Antenne sein für die kosmischen Botschaften.

i am not a art experties though it looks brilliant color combination and seems to be two robots are fighting.

Cool, thanks for your feedback!
You don‘t have to be an expert to have an opinion ;-)

Beautiful paintings dominated by the color of blackness
There is creativity and distinction in the selection of colors that writing on the plate is similar to ancient Egyptian writing

Thanks, it really has some similarities to hieroglyphs. I also like, that it is painted white on black. This way it also reminds me of a photographic negative.

Amazing process shown here i love it..:)

That is the real art wonderful painting

wow this art is so excellent.. your post is so amazing ....

the creativity is on another level wow this looks amazing :)

Just Awesome art. Oh dear, mind blowing painting. Its totaly greater then from others.
I like this.
thanks to great share

very nice post, keep it up. make sure to check my art page too. artists need to come together on this platform to make a very big impact.

Flagged for comment spamming.

I felt great for you to do this, I recently also decided to just flag spam comments down.


I usually mention steemcleaners and let them do the job. But this guy was actually on a spamming spree and hopefully the flag will make him think about it.

I wouldn‘t recommend flagging until you have some decent rep and sp by yourself, though.