3 am here. This is easily one of the best post I read this week. You made me laugh with the truth.
I am with you on EVERYTHING:
I have been debating this and thinking of new ways which (unfortunately) goes unheard.
And the point about video. Spot on. Well, videos on Hive to be specific. I can live with YouTube but I don't find anything particularly interesting yet. No "episodes" or "series" worth looking forward to. I even saw people reading "scripts" as they look away from the camera.
One day we will discuss the issues in detail. The solution - on expressing - is valid although short.
Question is: How best to express? Would love to hear. (You did a fantastic job expressing here)
Bold decisive statements and opinions, no holds bared attacks on bullshit, pictures, memes, quality posts that are not regularly seen, such real research, original new wave art, content from non American bloggers and people outside the mainstream, and most of all, raw emotion - everything from love to hate - because lets face it, most people on Hive are high functioning Asperger spectrum emotionless geeks, which is why they are so good at computer stuff but so bad at expressionism.
And the reason there are so many people like that now is because most children have been poisoned with vaccinations, and programmed with games and cell phones...
I honestly think most people on Hive are afraid to even include pictures or bold formatting in their comments. Unfucking believable!