Well, just yesterday I wrote a couple of comments to some contents about the Inktober (you can read more information about the Inktober here) and today I decided to sketch something about the word of today.
In the past years I followed some of my favorite artists who created sketches/drawings during the Inktober. Every time is really a beautiful journey between many different styles, subjects and thanks the use of the right tags (#inktober and, for this year, #inktober2018 ) I can discover new artists to follow. I love so much the idea to have a sort of "meeting" every October to work on art and to watch awesome drawings all over the world. It's also a fantastic opportunity to improve our creativity and so, every year, I think to do it. Yes, I always start thinking to draw every day using ink, but there some days I forget to do it. It's my fault and I'm sorry for this. I always tried to do it, but I can't stay an entire month focused on it and so I always miss some days ^_^
This year I saw that also on steemit there are many people who are partecipating to the Inktober, and so I thought: why not? I can try to stay focused on inktober, maybe steemit is a better motivation for me. Maybe. I hope! ^_^
I'll try to sketch something daily using ink, but I missed the first 2 days, sorry!
The word for today is ROASTED and thinking about this word I thought to the chustnut! Yes, here in Italy the time to ead the roasted chustnut is just around the corner and I can't wait!
In my region (Tuscany, in the middle of Italy) we use to call this taste dish "frugiate", but in other parts of Italy it's called "caldarroste". To cook the chustnut I use a pan with many holes and to give them a special touch I add some raindrops of red wine ^_^
Usually, when it's time, I walk in the forest with my parents to collect chustnut, because all the family love to eat them and we know different taste way to cook them. I'll write someting more (and some recipes too) when I'll have a bit of chustnuts to show you!
At now, the only chustnut I have close to me is this:
I hope you like it!
See ya son and steem on!
It's a long time since I had roasted chestnuts. We used to have our own tree and an open fire to cook them on. Tasty
Here in my area the chustnut time is really like a party! You have to know that in the village where I was born dishes chustnut based were the only one during the hard time during and after the second world war and so the old people teached to next generations how to cook chustnuts in different way (sure, using the chustnut flour too ^_^)
Very nicely done. I cannot say I've ever had chestnuts but would love to roast them someday. Thanks so much for sharing your sketch and yes happy October
Happy October to you too, dear Troy ^_^
Adorable and yeah you are doing #inktober :)
This sketch was really a fast sketch, tomorrow I'll do something better ^_^
Ha, I just collected a lot of these myself. Bon appétit!
Buon per te! (in italian is "Good for you" and it means that I'm envying you :P )
Grazie!!! ^_^