Well, this time is really a time of changes for a lot of people case the blockdown in different countries. Here we are in the day 8, days full of changes in my life, now this one: Hive.
Hive is alive and sure, here I am. ^_^ I read about it thanks some posts written by steemit friends and I like every positive change, especially in this bad time.
I have to read more about it, I have to understand something more, but now I want to share my first post here and I want to start with one of my digital drawing made on a pic I took in my own backyard:
Imagination help us when we are in difficult moment and so I invite you to let you imaginaton free to work ^_^
I worked on this image after the lunch, just to share some good vibes all around (and inside myself too), because I needed to clean my soul after I spent time on social media. Here we are in isolation since just 8 days and we have to stay in isolation for other two weeks or more, but people on facebook seems to be more crazy than usual and very rude too. It seems to be in a sort of social experiment to test how much time we can survive before to become cavemen. During the first 2 days people was happy to have the social media to stay connected each other. People wrote about her life at home, jokes, smiles and positive vibes. The third day people started to change. Some of them became rude and started to stay the most part of the time writing about deaths, deaths and deaths again. In the first day they felt the need to find an enemy, but you can't see a virus in face, so they try to find an enemy who they can see ... from their windows. They found their enemy: the few people on streets. So, you have to say that the italian law for the lockdown say we can go out just for 1) work 2) for health issues and to buy medicines 3) to buy food 4) for special needed like to take care of a relatives or other. Everything with social distancing and cleaning our hands like the WHO said. There is also another option (asked by the health commission): to go out for few time and just in loneliness to do physical activities using all the restriction . This was because the health commission knows that humans who have to stay at home (for the most part inside very tiny houses in the citis) needs to do phisical activities like a brief walk to stay in mental health.
It was an unclear message and since 5 days ago people started to stay at their windows to count the number of people they see on the streets or the number of cars. As you can image, the people at the window don't know if the people they are watching (few, believe me, very few because out there is just a sort of desert) is out of home for work, to buy food or others. People started to write all the day (all the day) on facebook to share their rude words against people. Everyone of them think him/herself ike a sort of sceriff and I don't want to think about the next step of this mass hysteria.
I'm trying to use social media less time I can, as the same way I closed the tv. I'll sure I'll survive to the virus, but people started to make me fear more than the covid-19. So, to my international friends who started the lockdaown after us, pay attention not just on the social distancing, but also to the social media distancing to save your mental healt as your physical health ^_^
See ya soon,
I really like the drawing on the photo!! simple yet beautiful. 💖
Thanks for your insights into the lockdown.
God bless you my friend. Bear Hugs!!
Thanks so much for your nice words! Bear hugs to you too ^_^
Congratulations you made it out of the Steem(it) Limbo! Welcome to the new Blockchain @hiveio Community :)
This is little daemo. He still feels lonely on the new blockchain. Give him a hug and follow him @hivedevil so his flames can shine again.
You received this message because @sciencevienna enjoyed your contributions very much in the previous blockchain life and has become a secret admirer of yours ever since