When I sketch something, usually I do it for one (or more) of the following reasons:
- to fix an idea for a new painting
- to study some poses or some facial expressions
- to excercise my hands
- to try some new supplies, for example a kind of pencil that I've never used before
- just to relax my mind and/or let my mind free to think
The last reason could seems the less "important", but I've always thought that, once in a while, our mind needs to stay in relax or free to think.
Before to start my "journey" in the field of art, I usualy use to knit or to crochet something to relax my mind. After many hours spent in the office working in front of my screen or partecipating to the many (too much) meetings, I really needed to relax my mind for an hour or more before to sleep. After the dinner, I used to sit on my sofa with many colored balls of yarn all around me and I worked with my hooks creating something nice for me or my daughter. During the time, I did many different scarves, pot holders, peter pan collars, necklaces and others accessories handmade by myself. Create something nice using just a ball of yarn can give us many satisfaction, believe me ^_^
Now I'm using to sketch to relax my mind and, sure, it's work and it has also a double effect: my mind stay in relax and, at the same time, I improve my skells. Great!
Today, while my hubby was teaching to his students in the lab, I sketched this scene where a little girl talk with a little bear, just for fun.
Ok, it's time to sit on the sofa watching a movie on my tv (I'm watching a tv series called The Frankestein Chronicle with one of my favorite actor: sean Bean!).
Good night to you all!

I definitely started sketching in school because my teacher told me we should all carry sketch book wherever we go so we improve our drawing ability whenever possible. And yes, it is true. I learn just as much from sketching as in any other drawing classes.
But I wonder if that’s the case all the time? Of course, I want to be practicing all my life to be a better artist than yesterday. I believe that the mileage of drawing counts.(in other words there’s no short cut)
But sometimes, I am drawing and find myself feeling so peaceful. Almost like some form of a meditation. I was taught in school that I need a purpose when I draw. Don’t put lines unless I know where I’m going…. I have to admit that I do lots of purposeless drawings/lines when I sketch these days.
Hmm… I don’t even know what I’m getting at. I wonder what other people think about the reason. We all certainly want to create some good art work but I think sketching doesn’t necessarily fall into that either.nice post @silviabeneforti
I have a different "past" in the art field. When I was at school I was not interested in arts, but I love literature (even if my favorite field was mathematics) and my teacher invited me to write my thoughts and my short novels or everything in my mind every day, so I usually collected many journals full of notes. Just about 5 years ago I started my "adventure" in the field of art, when I met the man that today is my husband. He's an artist from more than 20 years and he teached me art because he thought I had some not expressed skills. It was like to discover a new world for me. I started to fill my journals with sketches , not just words and slowly I saw I was improving my skills. Sure, it's just a little part of my "learning way" and I totally agree with you: there's no short cut! For example, I learned so much meeting other artists, talking with them, watching their works and observing them at work. I love to try new tecniques and materials too and I think it's also another great way to learn, but yes, thinking also about the experiences of my hubby and watching them every day, to be an artist means to have a life-long learning and this is a thing that I like so much ;)
nice work! or drawing for having some inspiration
Thanks ^_^
An activity of relaxation is good for the mind and soul. i do the same in my own way. I always enjoy your art. Thanks.
Thanks so much, dear Troy ^_^
Nice sketch maam @silviabeneforti , i wish I can sketch as good as you...i love knitting though 😊❤️
Thanks for stopping by ^_^
me encanta,saludos y muchas bendiciones para ti.
Muchas gracias ^_^
HI! I like your drawing!
When I sketch also think in many things but the same time is relaxing :) Visit my blog :D
@silviabeneforti they're so unusual.:)
I understand you so well, Silvia! Lovely sketch! :)