Art & Cryptocurrency - A New Stage for Craft in the 21st Century

in #art7 years ago (edited)


Empowering Creative Process

In a world curated by the resolution of your computer screen - creativity can be a hard thing to capture. Most artists face deep-rooted challenges when it comes reaching a supportive audience while simultaneously earning money. The internet era has been a boom for tools and socially connecting websites but earning has proven itself to be a risky and elusive process.

Cryptocurrencies are changing that. What’s a cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is digital money that is created, held and distributed through an online network. Steemit (a social media website that rewards bloggers with a “crypto” called STEEM) is a rapidly evolving resource that helps to break down the barriers that have prevented many artists from fully embracing the digital landscape. A digital artistic renaissance could be closer than you think... It’s still very early (if you’re counting in crypto-years) but platforms like this one will serve as catalysts to propel creatives into the 21st century.

The Traditional Problem

In the Art World today, value is assigned solely to the final product. It’s that red sticker on the gallery wall that represents “success” for most artists. Most everything else is a gamble to monetize and earn from. Traditional galleries are inherently risky. Once a piece does sell, the gallery takes upwards of half the commission. This is a problem. So much time and effort is risked on what ultimately represents just 10% of the creative process.

The Problem


A work of art is also about the story and the process. Sketchbooks, ideas, bar napkins, eraser residue, quotes, smudges, study models, late nights, early mornings, crumpled-up paper and globs of paint. These preliminary stages of the creative process make up an invisible 90% that is rarely shared with the world. The “process” within art can be where the best stories are hiding. It’s where the artist’s rigor, passion and craftsmanship are brought to a boil. The “final” piece is just a small window into a much bigger landscape. With Steemit, artists are finding a platform to share the stories beyond the frame.

The Solution


Artists should be rewarded for 100% of their work and not just the final 10%. Steemit provides opportunity to monetize your discovery and exploratory process!

Share Your True Work

Steemit isn’t a polished art gallery or a quiet museum. It’s more like a communal work desk. It’s a place where you can share raw thinking and receive constructive and honest feedback.

For an artist, this is a major opportunity. Here, you can share your work in the moment, just as you are creating it. You can write about it, take a progress photo, share an idea or inspiration. In most cases honest content receives honest feedback and actual value. That’s an incredible thing for an artist to be able to tap into. By finding value in process the Steemit platform could revolutionize the way artists are able to work and support themselves. In this community, your work can be elevated in an unprecedented way.

@sndbox is an Steemit incubator for creatives and communities. We help artists and content creators (of all kinds) earn cryptocurrency while tapping into a global network. Our mission is to empower a new creative class for the 21st century. For more, take a look at our blog homepage.


"May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition". Mahatma Gandhi

three cheers for artists, for steemit and for sndbox!!!! The potential of this are so exciting - "Artists should be rewarded for 100% of their work and not just the final 10%. Steemit provides opportunity to monetize your discovery and exploratory process!"
Your post inspires me to look deeper into my process...what parts am I not sharing that are part of the story...Thank you!

I think Steemit has a lot of promise as far as being able to even out that "rewards curve" a bit... one of the reasons I put our gallery on Steemit, under a separate account.

There has to be some way that artists and art lovers alike can come together in mutual support (other Steemit "guilds" have done it) to help artists supplement their incomes and exposure to the world. I know we already have at least a couple of dozen artists who are quite successful sharing their work here, along with "in process" shots of what they do... if that's doable individually, why not as a "network of support" as well?

I think it's also important because one of the trends in art is more towards "experiencing" rather than "owning," so end sales aren't necessarily the be all, end all for artists anymore. At our gallery, we see it in terms of lots of smartphone photos... OK, so rather than frown on that; let's develop ways where the artists are rewarded before the canvas (or whatever) goes on the wall.

Steemit is really the best place for an upcoming artist because they can have a free blog and a lot of traffic for their content and also earn money for their work!

Absolutely! And people actually / truly engage with you here. Good feedback is incentivized, so there's more of it.

I am so fortunate to be able to be a witness and onboard this new journey with all of the skilled artists here.

Steemit is a win win thing for the creative arts.
By sharing every process of your work, you get rewarded every step of the way. You also get rewarded when the finished work is ready. Like you rightly pointed, the creative arts can get rewarded 100% by sharing on steemit.

Agreed. You should be rewarded each step and misstep throughout the process. This puts a lot less pressure on that final 10% to happen. Steemit is a blank canvas for creatives to experiment with :)

As a historian and a writer, I'd say my final product is more like 5% of the total. And that's not a bad thing. You always want to be working with a deep well, right? So, yes, it is enticing to imagine sharing (and commidifying - in the best sense of the word) some of that "lost" 95%. I'll definitely experiment with that idea in upcoming posts.

As sndbox pointed out there is definitely value in it, as experience and skills for you but as inspiration for others as they can learn from your 95%, personally I am always a bit sad when buying artbooks that they only reveal the final sketches or drawings and not the 99% of trials and errors leading to there ending result.

Yes, thanks @kenfinkel. There is a lot to be learned from that remaining 95%! There's value there that pertains to the original creative as well as others pursuing something similar.

Steemit is the first place on the internet I got some real attention. and I tried lots of platforms.. this one is truly alive! I am more motivated and inspired and really happy to share my work....

paint roller.gif

That's exactly why I'm so excited about Steemit. With Steemit the artist gets what he deserves, but some get too little because they are not too well known.

Very true, this platform is very new still. So there's a lot of room to grow, improve and build the community. It's an exciting time to be here :)

u can say that again!

Maybe they need to spend more time here and gain trust from the community to gain the power.

great post and ilike you are focus on the behind story and passion of artist. Right definitely right.

New yes, and good - until the paws of the government got and did not turn off

What a great idea for rewarding the creative designs of all people willing to show their work by letting the market decide and cutting out the middle man!

Yes! Let the guild-type craftsperson reclaim their relationship with the communities that they are surrounded and supported by.

Amazing vector design brother !

Maybe I should ask you someday to design a book cover for me :3


You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.

Steemit is really going to revolutionize a lot of things. It just needs tons of refinement because good content is sometimes hard to find and most of the times posts are "thrown under the rag" half an hour after posting. Too much good content and too little curators currently imo. But things will get better as time passes. I'm always positive. Steemit to the moon!

Nice article

This is an amazing article!!

I've been wondering what was SNDBOX for the last couple of days, now I know haha, thanks for the article, it is very interesting. I think it is also a good opportunity to shift the mainstream mindset toward Art as 'Art is a talent'. On Steem, by sharing processes, success and failures, experimentations, it might become obvious that art is a skill to be honed and help demistify a lot of myths around that. (but steem has to go mainstream first haha)

Sndbox is a steem incubator that recruits new talent and supports the best steemians to help them achieve their true potential... and that's just the beginning :-D

Super excited for the future of this project. As far as I can tell, there's some amazing stuff ahead.

this sounds like its gonna be a lot of fun for a lot of people!

It seems like a great project and idea, I'll take a closer look at it definitely =D thank ou for your answer ^^

Steemit is the best monetization system for artists that I have ever come across... no need to sell off your rights, no need to have a "manager" or a "label" or a "gallery" or whatever else. Just a great platform where hard work and talent are rewarded handsomely.

This post is a great summary of what makes steem so valuable :-)

I'm posting my art on here till I feel confident enough to over charge people for them in an art gallery.

Such a breath of fresh air. This is what I love about this network it has such power to connect the creativity in us all from the ones creating to the one inspired. I see so many possibilities of creativity outlet here. I finally find a home to share my art and connect directly with those that enjoy my creative flow. Thank you @sndbox for enabling more creativity to flow.

Creativity flows in the waves of now.
Allowistic artist
Vincent Strader

Great article!! Loved the content and the nicely designed graphics too :)

So proud that I'm a member of SNDBOX! :D I strongly support you!

It's absolutely right that for artist this is a great platform. I personally, don't like to share work processing. I like that people hear a finished song, or watch a finished video. But i did got a few rewords on those. So it's also a good thing for me.

Yes, so true! It is about the story, the process, the problems encountered and how they were solved.

Steemit is the goodplace for all artist and bloggers to express and show their creativity . You can also be rewarded by expressing your thoughts here . That is why find Steemit as a paradise.

Awesome, I'm glad to be part of this Steemit community. The art establishment with the galleries profiting from the artists hard work sweat and tears, makes my blood boil. They take control of the art world, supporting the "modern" art what in my opinion most times don't make sense. There is an uprising of artists who are looking up to the previous masters, and striving to create work with the sense of beauty that nourish the human spirit, better than mock it, as we seen in the twentieth century. Resteemed your post.

Wow I love this idea- it would definitely help artists with "artist blocks" haha

Thanks a lot for this article, I tried to gave my explanation, of what steemit does, as much shorter and simpler for my friends, but it wasn't so clear and understandable as you did in this post. Great job! I will definitely use it.

I am all smiles here.. (* _*)

Lovely post :) Keep up the nice work

This is a fantastic initiative.. giving the rewards the creators is of course what Steemit it is all about.. cant wait to hear more about it..

Thanks a lot for such a helpful and incpiring post! I'm new here and I'm going to share my process of creating handmade pieces of art. Could you tell me is your project only for illustrators and graphic designers? Is there any opportunities for handmade artists?

I can't wait for this. Does it include writers?

As a Newbie, I am finding this very intriguing, to say the least! Am curious as to how a potter would thrive in this crypto scenario of the Art World? So earthbound, yet so ethereal. So contrary to clay and the tactile experience, unable to feel the texture, or sip the tea. Never the less, I see a new wave of potters jumping into this ocean for the collective experience! What a wonder it will be!

Nice post, I think Steemit is literally the best innovation and landscape to showcase artists talent and to be richly rewarded therefrom, more than what they do in traditional settings, I know two great artists invited them both, hoping they sign up. Nice one Steemit. Cheers;)

Steemit is an amazing resource where truly creative people can be rewarded for what they are doing. Hope that when we'll stop calling "Steemit" new, more people will get better rewards, because atm this is an issue.

Cryptocurresncy changes the world. It develops not only finance but also art.

steemit el trampolín al éxito y poder mostrar nuestros trabajos es cada vez mas importante para todos y todas saludos desde Venezuela

Thank you @sndbox for inspiring me to share my creative process on Steemit, I am new to the platform but am very excited to become an active member of the community!