Next Up for the Crypto Art Challenge: EOS
Welcome to the 5th Crypto Art Challenge!Facebook Page and Twitter. Across all platforms - engagement towards crypto-based creativity has been amazing. It's been a lot of fun to build up an audience outside of Steemit and begin to reign in some internet-surfers back towards our hometown blockchain (Steem). With this ongoing series, we're calling all artists, graphic designers and craftspeople of the world. As we gear up for the launch of The Creative Crypto Magazine (@creativecrypto) we're hosting some fun and creative crypto art exercises. To draw more into the conversation, we're building out a grassroots network via our
In the spirit of crypto-creativity we ask that you -
Pick a famous artist (Picasso, Van Gogh, David Hockney, Michelangelo) whoever you want - or style (cubism, pointilism, bauhaus, deconstructivism, impressionism, etc.) and interpret the Litecoin logo into that style. Other components of the image (background, details, other elements) are completely up to your imagination.
Next up, EOS!
Crypto Art Challenge Guidelines
- (Learn more, here.)Follow our magazine @creativecrypto!
- Create 1 image (1000 by 600px) using the EOS logo (above)
- Author a post explaining the art style or artist that you were inspired by
- Publish a Steemit post using the hashtag #creativecrypto
- Share a link to your post + image in the comments by Wednesday, 10pm EST
The top 5 creations will receive 20% votes from @sndbox and be showcased on The Creative Crypto media outlets. All entries that follow the guidelines will receive a partial vote (1% - 5%) depending on number of entries.
Looking for inspiration?
Take a look at the amazing submissions from our Bitcoin challenge:
And finally, the latest Litecoin Challenge.
Hello, dear ones!

I found some time to make my entry for The EOS Edition, part of the incredible Crypto Logo Art Challenge
Here it is, inspired by the Celtic Knot:
, with special thanks to the great @sndbox!
Thank you! Glad you like it! ^.^
Ka-ta-liiiii-na, Ka-ta-liiiii-na, (8) :D
Hey, Leo! ^.^ Why don't you join the challenge? ;)
I'm sure you can make a great entry. ;)
UPVOTED ! go go go katalina <3
Thank you, Spidey! ^.^ <3
wow superb!
Thank you, @marlon241982! ^.^
Awesome entry @katalinaooma, I see a winner! 👍
Oh, thank you, @ninjace! ^.^ It was fun doing this entry. ^.^
IT'S SUPER AWESOMEEE @katalinaooma
Oh, Thank you, @karmachela! ^.^ I love your Pixel Art Style!
Hi @katalinaooma. That is awesome! I like, I wanna learn more from you. You’re great design.
Thank you, munadikiehl! ^.^ I'm doing my best. ^^
Some I did a while back, just for fun:
That cool @rok-sivante. I have learn more from you, what apps you use to make this gif?
used Union and Tangent to create the images, and then can't remember what exactly to put them together into the GIFs...
I never make a GIF before, but since friends using GIF in Steemit. I am interested. Usually I use Picsart for photo editing, if creating Logo like Crypto Art like this I use Adobe Illustrator.
This is my entry
This is so cool. Is that @dan?
Ha ha.... that is awesome.
AHH. This is amazing @stellabelle!
This is PRETTY AWESOMEEE @stellabelle
WOW, This is look different from another one, I Like it :)
Here is my entr
This comment has received a 0.28 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @tanisha786.
Entry by @anysia

Inspired by Keith Haring
i own bunch of this tokens and i`m waiting for june activation
Here is my entry
INspired by the great artist Pink Floyd. :) Thanks for the challenge @sndbox and @creativecrypto
Now I want an EOS Money shirt :) time to look for a printer thanks again guys this is my first challenge and I am keeping an eye out for future posts.
This composition is inspired by the 7 kanji of theBushido samurai code and the art of Origami very popular in the Japanese culture. I also intended to include the feeling of decentralization with the mesh coming out of the Chestahedron itself.
very nice !
Entry by @Outerground
here my Metaphysical EOS
it looks like one of the first perspective drawings in history... I love the future -historic aesthetic
Ahh this is awesome but i almost wish the EOS was more visible!
This is my entry for logo art challenge.
ahhhh so cool!
Thanks :-D
this is awesome way to follow the rules!
Thank you ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
Here is my entry! :-)
Link : Shining edge
Beautifully! Wonderful color.
My post ..
My entri
I love this work!!!
This is my entry
Here is my entry - edible EOS logo inspired by Banksy. (Watercolor on paper).
Here is my entry to this round:
I think you've got the wrong size Sir. Just concern 😁
Yes, you're right, but there was not other way to did this design, with the size 100x600 it didn't work
Ahh. Okay Sir. Hope this will be fine. 😊
I believe it was her that said, if I played by all the rules...I wouldn’t have gotten where I am today. Need to live by this every once in a while.
Totally agree
This is my Vinci entry for the Art Challenge EOS edition :
All about the process on my post :
I like this series but it's getting harder and harder to find good and new ideas.
I think it's great idea and very good visualization. ^.^
And, yeah, it's getting harder with every challenge. I always try to look for new ideas, but not every style suits the logo.
Thanks... Your Irish entry is stunning, very well done.
Thank you, @heroldius! ^.^ Glad you like it! ;)
Thanks, it's appreciated...
Here is my entry.
Nice... Wild Imagination!
Thank you very much. @artanddesign
to the moon!!!
my entries three days ago :)
Obra 2
Mi publicación
This is my entry
My submission
nice this one is cool!
Crypto Art Challenge entry : EOS Edition - Animation style & GIF
Here is my post and the image for this challenge!, i hope you like it!
My Entry
trying again
hey here my entry to the contest :
Greetings friends of sndbox, this is my logo entry:
"The fact that I myself, at the moment painting, do not understand my own pictures, does not mean that these pictures have no meaning. On the contrary, this meaning is so profound, complex, coherent and involuntary that it escapes the most simple analysis of logical intuition."
Salvador Dali
Hello friends, this time my inspiration has been a work by David Hockney, I hope you like it.
Hello, here is my entry inspired by the art of deconstructivism
What’s the go with using these around the place? Any licensing rules?
I have made some EOS logo as a 3D models, will that be also eligible for it?
Eos - Bee & Flowers 🌼
Animated version
Thanks! 😁
Hi @sndbox and @creativecrypto! Here is my
Here is my design
Here is my entry
Sweet) and very informative post.
Is it okay if it's a gif? :p
My stile is moder art/digital art
Here's my entry:
Please Visit this link to see my full view of my work, can't upload it here.
Thank you so much
Here my entry
At last, I dared to compete. Here my entry: