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Here is another of my favorite wallpapers made in Blender. Designed to emulate what wine glasses look like leaving their curing furnace after creation. Created using Cycle in Blender at 4K [3840x2160] resolution.
My artwork is licensed under a Creative Commons 1.0 license (CC0), meaning it is in the public domain and may be freely used however you like, including for-profit reasons, without any need for attribution! Though, a shoutout is always appreciated! :)
To the extent possible under law,
Southern Wolf
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Wine Glass Furnace.
This work is published from:
United States.

Damn you are good!
I've tried Blender and couldn't do anything that could resemble what you made.
It takes a lot of work to get things that look decent, especially with the Cycles rendering engine. The other issue is the time it takes to render something with Cycles. If you don't have a decent GPU, or one that doesn't allow access for rendering, then rendering using CPU is a very slow experience, especially for 4K resolution. I used to do more with Blender, but Nvidia stopped supporting my GPU for use with rendering stuff like this, so I sorta gave it up. When I can build my own setup with a better GPU, I'll probably get back into it.
Have you ever thought about building assets for a marketplace like Unreal Onegin 4 or Unity? It could become a fun hobby for you since you have the talent :)
Yeah, I must admit I'm not a huge fan of either engine. Unity is... fine. And Unreal looks great, but I really don't like the licensing for it. I'd use it to make art like I did with Blender, except the license for it won't allow that.