Make handicrafts from bamboo.
Bamboo has many benefits, one of which is the flute, angklung, enggrang and one of them is a miniature boat. Bamboo is very much in demand by art lovers, both from within and outside the country. Lots of types of art crafts from bamboo.
Well just start we start how to make a miniature of bamboo, the most important in making craft boat is the work flow. The first is the tools and materials, the second is the workings, and the third is the result.
- Tools and materials
What we need to prepare is:
- Chainsaws
- Knives
- Smooth sandpaper
- Lem (Alteco)
- Paint clear (paint Pylox color clear)
- Rope
- Bamboo wulung that has been cut off suasnya.
First we split a bamboo with a size of approximately 30 cm long then we puree with sandpaper until shiny.
Then we make the holder of the boat, because later this craft will be placed not hanged so need to seat well. We make a base under using bamboo that is cut and split equally.
Then adapted to the size of the boat body that we will make.
then we put together with the glue (alteco) to dry quickly and the connection on the ship sticking strongly After that we make no ships or poles and screens and the front of the ship with bamboo split with a thickness of approximately 0.5 cm.
Next we make the display of his ship, we prepare three pieces of bamboo each of different lengthya, then we split and we sandpaper until smooth. We need two pairs of screens that we will put on the front and back poles.
So be the miniature boat craft from bamboo we do. for the next we spray using clear paint to bring up the motifs and colors of bamboo.