Speed Paint of Pippi

in #art7 years ago (edited)


The term "speed painting" was originally coined (on Sijun.com I think) to represent a quick painting made in about 30 minutes or less, usually as a challenge, with a theme. Later it became known as 'spit-painting' as well.
(There's a common misunderstanding that it means a painting video, speeded up; but that's "time-lapse".) :)

For this I don't remember the theme, perhaps it was "childhood heroes grown up"? Because as the name indicates, this is the famous Pippi Longstocking - well famous in Sweden anyway, a series of books by Astrid Lindgren, and a tv series and movies I watched spell-bound as a kid. Pippi Langstrump in Sweden. She was super-strong and super-rich, anti-establishment and anti-fashion. A non-conformist iconoclast.

Since the time was so tight I didn't save any sketches or wips - this is basically a wip in itself.

And being me I couldn't help but add a bit of sensuality, hope you don't mind :)


Thanks for watching!

Links to some of my other art:



Wow! Du gör riktigt feta digitala verk! Grymt jobbat! Vi kanske kan samarbeta i något framöver. Jag har börjat komma igång med mitt Steemande efter ett tags uppehåll. Ha de gott!

Tackar! ja kanske de kunde bli kul :)
jag har inte jobbat med vattenfarg pa kanske 22 ar, ibland saknar jag "riktiga" penslar men inte sa ofta haha
Du ar ju jattebra pa de dar! Gratulerar! :D

Great to find you on Steemit Steven! Love your work. I really hope we can build a community of serious artists here. Please consider following me as I did with you too of course. All bests from Berlin.

interesting post thank for that and nice job

Sijun was where I first discovered Craig Mullins, Jaime Jones, Levi Pterffy, Stephan Martiniere, Sparth, and a ton of others. When I graduated from school, there was no training at all in digital painting. 3D programs running on underpowered systems took 4 minutes for an undo operation. I stuck with traditional. When I got out, Photoshop was at v.3 and didn't have layers. My first Wacom was still serial port. I had to learn Photoshop from the manual and from my co-workers. Sijun was a joy and mystical to watch back then. The energy and speed with which art was produced coupled with friendly competition, is something I haven't seen matched in another forum. Is there something like this out there now? Or can we make Steemit the new one?

Yes, those were the days! They probably won't ever come back, in the same form, but maybe something else fun can happen... Yes Steemit certainly has a chance to be like that, for a while at least, the balance needed is precarious - not too many artists, not too few, a certain mix of pros and noobs, concept artists and sculptors, etc. It might be. :)

My outlook remains positive. I will also be posting in other areas as well as in art.

Aaw the good old Pippi is grown up :) There are Little Uncle and Mr. Nilsson missing... Nice artwork!

Pipi got thicc ln your speedpainting lol
download (1).jpg

Your 30 mins speed paints are pretty damn good :-) Don't expect less to be honest.

I'm not so strict with the time, 30mins, 60mins and 90mins for me are good ranges for speed paints. Any longer you are in iterate, refine and polish territory :D
Was thinking a speed painting contest here would make a ton of sense....

Yes I'd definitely prefer more than 30 minutes too, sometimes I'd cheat right at the end and keep fiddling for a couple minutes... naughty naughty. :)
Yes a speed painting contest would be very interesting, I must think about it, haven't made any contests yet, hmmmm...