Week 64 - 2nd Year - 7th Round of 10 weeks
We are starting the 7th round of 10 weeks , in the 2nd year of the Gaugan AI Contest on Hive .
The year was great , and I hope everybody had, and still have a lot of fun with it, like I do, making Gaugans. :-)
The Gallery of the Gaugan Art Club has been fed by a lot of great artists putting beautiful paintings on the walls.
I feel like this is a great Club where we find a lot of friends that joined the Game and helped to build all this.
Everybody enjoy the game and try to create great "cards" for our Fun-tastic Art Gallery .:-)
Every week is harder and harder to decide who wins the Gaugan Contest, :-( because all the entries are getting better and better and showing super works by big artists. :-)
I'm very proud we are on the 2nd year, round 7 of more 10 weeks of the Gaugan AI Contest on Hive
Do your own collectible paintings (collectible "cards") to play the Gaugan AI Contest on Hive.
They have no value, except the fun of playing. :-)++
All the Paintings get registered in the Blockchain on Hive. :-)
Semana 64 - 2º Ano - 7ª Rodada de 10 semanas
Estamos a começar a 7ª rodada de 10 semanas , e no 2º ano do Concurso Gaugan IA no Hive.
Tivemos um óptimo primeiro ano, e espero que todos tivessem, e ainda tenham muito com ele, como eu tenho, a fazer Gaugans :-)
A Galeria do Clube de Arte Gaugan tem sido alimentada por muitos grandes artistas que colocam belas pinturas nas paredes.
Sinto que este é um grande Clube onde encontramos muitos amigos que se juntaram ao Jogo e ajudaram a construir tudo isto.
Todos apreciam o jogo e tentam criar grandes "cartas", para a nossa Galeria de Arte Fun-Tastic.:-)
Cada semana, tem sido cada vez mais difícil decidir quem ganha o Concurso de Gaugan, :-( porque todas as inscrições estão a ficar cada vez melhores e a mostrar super trabalhos de garndes artistas:-)
Estou muito orgulhoso por estarmos no 2º ano, na ronda 7 de mais 10 semanas do Concurso Gaugan IA no Hive.
Façam os vossos próprios quadros coleccionáveis (cartas de colecção) para jogar o Concurso Gaugan IA no Hive.
Eles não têm valor, excepto a diversão de jogar. :-)++
Todas as Pinturas são registadas no Blockchain no Hive :-)
The Gaugan AI Contest on Hive - Week 64
Painting with Artificial Intelligence.
Round 7 of 10 more weeks.
Total Prizes
Donations* | Prizes | RA - HBD | RA - HP | $ HBD | HBD/Hive | Author Rewards | Total Prizes |
5 | 6 | 0,120 | 2,480 | 0,120 | 8,333 | 3,480 | 14,480 |
The last week's Winners.
Prizes | Post | Winners | Prize Hive | % | Donations | AR - HBD | AR - HP | HBD+ HP | Total Hive |
1st Prize | Here | @adncrabrera | 3 | 60% | 3,00 | 0,07 | 1,49 | 2,09 | 8,09 |
2nd Prize | Here | @shrazi | 2 | 25% | 1,25 | 0,03 | 0,62 | 0,87 | 4,12 |
3rd Prize | Here | @eii | 1 | 15% | 0,75 | 0,02 | 0,37 | 0,52 | 2,27 |
Thanks to all the voters, participants, and supporters.
As always our long time doner for the contest, @drakernoise gave more 5 Hive that will add 1 Hive to the prizes for the next 4 weeks.
One more time our oldest contester of the Gaugan AI Contest @eii, gave back a first prize of 20 Hive - that will add 2 more Hive to the weekly prizes for the next 3 weeks.
We have the biggest donation that ever happened to the Gaugan AI Contest on Hive our great friend, supporter and promoter, @justclickindiva have send more 52 Hive that will give extra prizes of 2 more Hive for the next 14 weeks.
O Concurso Gaugan IA no Hive - Semana 64
Pintar com Inteligência Artificial.
Rodada 7 de mais 10 semanas.
Total de Prémios
Doações* | Prémios | RA - HBD | RA - HP | $ HBD | HBD/Hive | RA | Total Prémios |
5 | 6 | 0,120 | 2,480 | 0,120 | 8,333 | 3,480 | 14,480 |
Os vencedores da última semana.
Prémios | Post | Vencedores | Prémios Hive | % | Doações | RA - HBD | RA - HP | HBD+ HP | Total de Hive |
1º Prémio | Aqui | @adncrabrera | 3 | 60% | 3,00 | 0,07 | 1,49 | 2,09 | 8,09 |
2º Prémio | Aqui | @shrazi | 2 | 25% | 1,25 | 0,03 | 0,62 | 0,87 | 4,12 |
3º Prémio | Aqui | @eii | 1 | 15% | 0,75 | 0,02 | 0,37 | 0,52 | 2,27 |
este post.
Adorei a pessoa que montava um cavalo, que sei que é muito difícil entrar em Gaugan, tenho de trabalhar muito para conseguir animais e pessoas perfeitas em Gaugan. :-) Esta semana foi muito difícil decidir os vencedores, e tenho de dar um prémio para uma Menção Honrosa ao trabalho de @viking-ventures esta semana com
Obrigado a todos os votantes, participantes e apoiantes.
Como sempre o nosso doador de longa data para o concurso, @drakernoise deu mais 5 Hive que irão acrescentar 1 Hive aos prémios para as próximas 4 semanas.
O concorrente mais antigo do Concurso Gaugan IA @eii, devolveu um primeiro prémio de 20 Hive - o que acrescenta mais 2 Hive ao prémio semanal durante 3 semanas.
Temos a maior doação que já aconteceu ao Concurso Gaugan IA no Hive, o nosso grande amigo, apoiante e promotor, @justclickindiva enviou mais 52 Hive que irão dar prémios extra de mais 2 Hive durante as próximas 14 semanas.
One Example of a Post for the Gaugan AI Contest.
Um Exemplo de um Post para o Concurso Gaugan IA.

And more... | E mais...
The Winners | Os Vencedores
3rd Prize | 3º Prémio

2nd Prize | 2º Prémio

1st Prize | 1º Prémio

Learning Gaugan
I made this palette to help people that want to use colors that are not on the menu of the Gaugan app
Start your drawing by uploading the file bellow, clone the colors in the sky and in the end paint it over with the sky brush.
Aprendendo Gaugan
Fiz esta palete para ajudar as pessoas que querem usar cores que não estão no menu da aplicação Gaugan
Comece o seu desenho carregando o ficheiro abaixo, clone as cores no céu e no final pinte-o com o pincel de céu.

The Gaugan AI Contest on Hive - The Rules
Make Art with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
This a Contest with rounds of 10 week. Post till Sunday every week.
- Go to Nvidia Gaugan and be a true artist with AI
- Publish only one original draw and the paintings made by AI Gaugan with diferent effects.
The posts must have the tag #gaugan, and if you want the tag #contest.
The tag #gaugan must be put until the fourth position to show on Hive- The post must be published until 11:45 PM - Western European Time (WET) every Sunday.
I will choose and announce the winner within a maximum of two days after the post closes on the seventh day.
- Good tutorial gently made by @marblely that helps the contest since the beggining.
- Working On GAUGANAPP for the Contest Another great friend @shrazi made a very nice video tutorial for Gaugan AI. See in
- How to make Buildings and Boats with Gaugan in this post
Please don't forget to put both pictures, the draw you make and the resulting painting.
The winners get:
- All the author rewards (AR) of the week's contest post :
1st Prize = 3 Hive + 60% AR + 70% donations + 5 votes in posts (7.000 HP)
2nd Prize = 2 Hive + 25% AR+ 20% donations + 3 votes in posts (7.000 HP)
3rd Prize = 1 Hive + 15% AR + 10% donations + 1 votes in posts (7.000 HP)
Please help this contest, delegate to @steemean, donate Hive for the winner of the contest, vote or rehive this post.
Do-it-yourself collectible "cards" playing the Gaugan AI on Hive.
They have no value, except the fun of playing.
O Concurso Gaugan IA no Hive - As Regras
Faça arte com Inteligência Artificial (IA)
Este é um concurso para rodadas de 10 semanas, com um prémio todos os Domingos.
- Vá para Nvidia Gaugan e seja um verdadeiro artista com a IA
- Publique um artigo só com um desenho original e as pinturas feitas pela IA - Efeitos Diferentes
Os posts devem ter a tag #gaugan, e, se quiser a tag #contest
A tag #gaugan deve ser posta até á quarta posição para se ver no Hive- A publicação deve ser feita até ás 23h45 - horário da Europa Ocidental (WET) todos os domingos.
Escolherei e anunciarei o vencedor num máximo de dois dias, após o fecho do post no sétimo dia.
- Working On GAUGANAPP for the Contest Outro grande amigo @shrazi fez este video tutorial para o Gaugan IA. Veja em
- Bom tutorial no Hive feito por @marblely e que ajuda o concurso desde o princícipio.
- Como fazer edifícios e Barcos com o Gaugan veja neste post.
Por favor, não esqueça de colocar as duas imagens, o desenho que fez e a pintura resultante
O vencedores recebem:
- Todas recompensas de autor do post semanal do concurso ;
1º Prémio = 3 Hive + 60% RA + 65% doações + 5 votos em posts do vencedor (7.000 HP)
2º Prémio = 2 Hive + 25% RA + 25% doações + 3 votos em posts do vencedor (7.000 HP)
3º Prémio = 1 Hive + 15% RA + 15% doações + 1 votos em posts do vencedor (7.000 HP)
Ajudem este concurso delegando para @steemean, doando Hive para o vencedor de todos os concursos, vote ou rehive este post.
Faça-você-mesmo "cartões" colecionáveis jogando no Concurso Gaugan IA no Hive.
Eles não têm valor, exceto a diversão de jogar.

Be an artist with AI in Nvidia Gaugan
Seja um artista com a IA em Nvidia Gaugan

Join the Kidz Community in hive-118701 .
Made by kids, for kids, and about kids
Made by kids, for kids, and about kids
Faça parte da Comuidade Kidz em hive-118701 .
Feita por crianças, para crianças e sobre crianças.
Feita por crianças, para crianças e sobre crianças.

Please, make a comment if you liked it.
Jimbo the kid of Hive
I'm only seven years old.
Please read this introduceyourself post in, Jimbo, The kid of Hive .
Kidz Community on Hive . Read my Re-introduce myselfI also publish with @kidz the moderator in the The
Por favor, faça um comentário se gostou.
Jimbo, o puto do Hive
Eu tenho apenas sete anos de idade.
Por favor leia este post em introduceyourself, Jimbo, O puto do Hive .
Kidz Community no Hive .Eu também publico como @kidz o moderador da
Thanks @steemean :) And Congratz to @eii and @adncabrera :)
Thanks a lot for the great masterpieces to our Gaugan Gallery. :-)
Some time ago I started to use cryptovoxels.com and magicavox to make virtual spaces in Virtual Reality.
Now that I start to understand it I'm sharing it with you because mabe you will like it.
Seems difficult in the beginning, but if we know Minecraft game makes it easier. :-)
I'm trying to build the Gaugan Art Gallery in a virtual space.
I'm not interested in the money, but now we can sell all the elements created in Magicavox in a big mall - Opensea.
I'm sure you could became a good builder with it. :-)++
Cryptovoxels also have an app for mobiles and tablets, :-)
We just need to have the Metamask wallet to get started. :-)
But to buy parcels to put our spaces, is getting very expensive. :-(
But we can build spaces for free.:-)
CheersHi @shrazi.
I will check the cryptovoxels soon (definitely) but you know I am lazy person
But I will check that soon :)
Thanks again :)Hey @steemean feeling really happy :) Thanks for it.
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Hey @shrazi, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you, dear @shrazi. Happy New Year!
:) Welcome :)
My entry :)
We are the Gaugan Artists.Thanks a lot @shrazi for one more masterpiece in the walls of our Club Gallery. :-)
Thanks to you :)
So happy to see this contest evolving :) I see humans now. Beautiful drawings. They truly look like masterpieces dear. You guys are so creative!
Everybody is getting better everyday and learning.
This is a Gallery with a lot of masterpieces. :-)
Cheers my friend, and keep on posting.Thanks a lot dear friend @marblely . :-)
Oh my God, I love the gaugans chosen this week. The tree with lights, the boat scene with awesome background, and the object in the air are excellent examples of fine-tuning the brushstrokes. Maybe it's a bird or a plane in the air.
Congratulations to @adncabrera ; @shrazi ; and @eii on your wins this week. Your experimentation with different elements prove it can be done.
And to all other participants, keep working at it, and thanks for joining in. I need to try more brushstrokes for elements; that is, people, buildings, structures, and animals.
And to @steemean Thank you again for another week of Gaugan and keeping up with everyone's entries. Let's have more contests for 2021. I"m in.
Take care everyone.
Hello @eii Thank you so much for the BEER Token. As always, I appreciate your support in my drawings for the Gaugan Contest.
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Hey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Long live Gaugan!Thank you for your generous and enthusiastic words, dear @justclickindiva. You are an inspiration in this community. I am also signing up for the new initiatives of 2021. For now I have two modest plans: to delegate a little more HP and to put 10% of the rewards of my posts in Gaugan to contribute to the contest. It is only a small contribution and I would like to be able to do more. I know that you and other members of this community are helping it grow. Thank you.
Happy and healthy New Year!
Hello @adncabrera what a great plan. You are also an inspiration to the Gaugan community with your digital art contributions and your encouraging engagement to all participants. That is an awesome and generous idea to set 10% of your rewards to Gaugan. That's something I'll think about also.
Take care and have a good rest of your week.
Thank you, @justclickindiva. Best wishes to you too.
Thanks a lot my "fairy" friend. hehe
Yours was great too.:-) I wish I had more prizes, :-(
I'm now testing 5 new colors, but I'm still learning how to use it, and share. :-)
We have a great gallery.
I'm building a virtual reality space in cryptovoxels.com, to show the Gaugan Art Gallery, but it will take some time. :-(.
And to make elements I use Magicavox, but this one is a little more difficult.
A lot to learn :-)
Maybe one day we have a VR Contest on Hive . hehe
Wish I had more time. If Corona closes school, I will do it sooner. :-)
Big hug and be happy and safe. :-)
Congratulations to the @adncrabrera, @shrazi, participants and Jimbo!
Thank you Jimbo!
Thanks for the first brick of our great Gaugan Gallery. :-)
!BEERThanks a lot my old fried @eii for sharing the biggest number of post in the Gaugan Contest. :-)
and try with
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Hey @steemean, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.0.100 WINECheers, @eii You Successfully Shared With @steemean.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/3 Successful Calls.
WINE Current Market Price : 0.000 HIVE
I have to say: I thought I had drawn a bird, now I see it and it looks like an airplane. So: either it's Superman or it's definitely a UFO. You will understand these words only if you are old enough! 🤣
Congratulations, @eii! I loved this work! Happy and healthy New Year, @eii!
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Hey @eii, here is a little bit of from @steemean for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Hello @steemean Here is my Gaugan for Week #64:
Good luck to all participants who enter this week.
Colorful and ethereal. Futuristic. I love it!It's an amazing city, @justclickindiva!
Your kind words are appreciated very much. So happy you like it.
Very beautiful .
Another great masterpiece for our Gallery. :-)
Thank you for the surprises every week.
Checking the work on the drawing...
Thank you for your perseverance in this beautiful initiative.
Above all, I hope you and your loved ones stay healthy.
Get a hug.Dear @Steemean and Jimbo, may this year be a good one and may you do many nice and fun things. I hope Jimbo will increase his Lego collection and I hope Gaugan will grow as he deserves. Every week, the contemplation of your work is a wonder that I value highly.
I 'm still doing a lot of work, and learning new thinks everyday. I'm learning 5 new colors in Gaugan that I'll share later. :-)
Thanks for supporting my work. The people that like it make me feel like making more and better. :-)
We are all ok here.:-) But i know many kids in the world aren't. :-(
Now I'm learning how to program spaces in virtual reality in cryptovoxels.com .
It's easy but it takes a long time to learn and build. :-(
I hope to share my crypto-spaces when it is ready. And also my Minecraft worlds. :-)
Big hug. :-)++Thanks a lot my dear friend @adncabrera . :-)
I leave here my little experiment.
A hug, gauguianos!
Beautiful. :-)
Our Gaugan Club is full of real artists. :-)
I love the alien moon.
Thanks for your great entries.
Thank you for your kind words!
My entry
Great old construction.
Exploring Gaugan is super :-)
Thanks for bringing your contribution to our Club.
!BEERHi @eii .
0.100 WINECheers, @steemean You Successfully Shared With @eii.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/3 Successful Calls.
WINE Current Market Price : 0.000 HIVE
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Hey @eii, here is a little bit of from @steemean for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.View or trade
Hey @steemean, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your