Wanted to try out some new brushes and play around. Would need more work to give it some proper depth and lighting but I was happy with the overall direction.

Wanted to try out some new brushes and play around. Would need more work to give it some proper depth and lighting but I was happy with the overall direction.
Wow! This is so amazing. For me , it looks perfect already
Thanks for taking the time to look and comment! glad you like.
wow if it looks fantastic like this, already finished would be a great work ;)
Appreciate that! I noticed in your bio that you create art as well so I will have to check that out.
that's right, @steemitadventure only not at your level, but someday I'll make it ;)
Getting some Sith lord vibes from this guy, kinda reminds me of Darth Sion from KOTOR II. But, you know, with much better skin and more red, lol. Red and black is always such a great contrast, if you adjust the lighting on this one and change it up make sure to post the finished result. Definitely looks like a kick ass bad guy in the making :P
Thanks man! It got me inspired and I am liking the look so it may end up getting polished up more for the story I am working on. Glad you like specially since you are one of my most active followers.
I can't imagine there's too many people who could complain about the quality artwork you post, dude, lol. Glad to show my support though anytime! Also, when will we see another trading card? If you don't mind me asking, that is :) That's another series that I really enjoy when you get to do it.
Looks awesome. I’m really feelin the brush strokes and the glow in his eyes. I need to really practice drawing heads.
You have been kicking butt with your drawings so happy you like this one. I know you have a good eye from your artwork and photos etc!
Thanks for appreciating all the butt kicking! 😂
THIS IS SICK! Love the comic book evil villain vibes! More of these drawings please! Not sure if you realized, but I am a huge comic nerd, hence the name spider blogger ahaha
I knew you liked em but wasnt sure how into them you were, so good to know! I sort of get inspiration form the folks who comment in my posts so thanks for taking the time and for some future inspiration.
Glad I could be some what of a muse ahaha
Very demonic. Would have made a fine "heel wrestler" had he not chosen a darker path.
I seen a few comments about him being a bad guy and I sorta chuckle and thought what if he was just a good guy who was labeled because of his looks lol Thanks for checking it out and reminds me I gotta check out your recent blog posts, you have a good cartoony style.
I love this one! I would like to see you continue / finish it if you think that you need to do some more. It's definitely going in the right direction! :)
What are you missing? Hahahs is great and fantastic drawing! How do you do it?
It looks so awesome
Nicely done! Kind of reminds me of the titans from Attack on TItan