Was doing a few simple style drawings of teens mostly for practice because I realized how long it had been since I drew any. If I don't draw something often enough I end up being out of practice and rusty.
The basics are all there in these drawings and if I wanted to take em to the next level of finish I could but it was more or less about the structure and placing the age. If I draw a lot of muscular harder edge adults and am out of practice the teens or younger can end up just looking like miniature adults...ugh

Its crazy how different it is to draw each "stage" of a human.. from the outside looking in, you should be able to draw any age human..just change the size, but the details get missed like that, and it's crazy how many of them there are once you start looking. Really liking the direction you got going here, keep this shit up homie
Very good painting, their faces is like real, good work, You are very good at details
Ah, well you've done a great job drawing quite possibly the scariest thing known to man. Teenagersss, hisssss.
I know right?
which software is used in this drawing ?
They're looking young enough to be teens/young adults I think :)
I have the opposite problem, I don't do enough lines/hardness for adults so even when I'm trying to draw adult characters they tend to look like kids XD
hello, i like drawings too. kindly see my blog also hehe https://steemit.com/art/@sheiloiys/2-sketch-accompaniment-duyog
I say you've done a good job and drawing and doing studies everyday is so important and fun sometimes :)
Dope skills. I always wanted to learn knowledge how to draw humans. It's super hard for me ))