my husband often meditate (tawajjuh) in the middle of the night), when the most quiet, when all sleep, we wake up to meditate, seek clarity of mind, you are amazing @reddust,
about your picture for it really is perfect, want to feel melat directly but it is not possible ,, ha ha aha
I was taught how to meditate so I only need 4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period...however I can only do that when I am at retreat. I get to distracted at home...your husband is better at meditation than I am...hehehe
Thank you kindly for your support @steemitnatural, I will return you kindness, with kindness of the same kind I promise. Now that I am done with this piece I will have time to curate.
thank you for your appreciation of my friend, may "hidayah" will be with you