I have created a lot of artwork and MEMEs for various contests over the past month. Most were themed around promoting DPoS Chains like STEEM and BitShares, as well as poking fun at the struggles over on Ethereum as the first virtual pet applications come online.
We wait patiently {kinda} for EOS.IO to deliver the software and network that will allow DApps to finally go mainstream in 2018.

Animated GIFs
These two were animated so I wanted to drop them in separately so you could see them in action. We had fun with this MEME Challenge that put a spotlight on Ethereums network clogging up when the CryptoKitties App launched last Deember.

The inscription reads "In Ethereum We Trust"

Let me know what you think, please leave your comments below.
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Thanks for reading!
Is Eos really will beat Eth? I thimkmi have to look into this more deep. Also eos coin can use MEW to keep?
For now the ICO is using Ethereum, but will move to its own local wallet (or maybe Bitshares DEX) later this year. I have been buying on the secondary market as OPEN.EOS on the DEX.
just sucks that on bitshares open.EOS we only got open.EOSDAC and no otehr airdrops bUT we may ghetthem? whereis the dex open.eos held ?
Hmm i gues sits held in openledger dex which like... must be held by SOMEONE i mean where did the eos come from when i used to eb ablke to withdraw?
I dont like bitshares openEOS because i cant withdraw it i have to sell it and then withdraw the bitshares which is fine... but is it really what we wanna be doing? I used to promote open.EOS but dude, i cant anymore, its Binance now, all teh way,
and soon EOS will have its own decentralzied exchange...
i still LOVE bitshares and see a GREAT use case and niche for it
seriously I see Bitshares being huge in Africa Russia and other developing countries, like they will replace the banks etc, as Local governments fail Bitshares becomes mroe and more useful. KJust like Bitcoinm but bitrshares sets you actually set up an asset... and do free airdrops ... i can see bitshares being used by companies all over africa and developing countries, like @yensesa for example, i can see all the companie sin africa using Bitshares, but EOS will also be powerful and may just replace bitshares with their DEX but bitshares cna still find a great Niche when theysget some liquididty
We are going to really
animated gifs are the best
I Love
Thank you.
I love the one with kitties.
By the way, how did you make that animated gif?
Which program(s) did you use?
Photoshop and http://gifmaker.me
Amazing, there should be some for Apps like Telegram but as a sticker.
a very creative work
You have quite a collection of memes. My challenge is that I do not know how to upload them. Any help?
Upvoted. Resteemed. Following you everywhere you go!
your work is so creative dear keep it up i follow you thanks for sharing
nice blog and meme art.
All your work is lovely, interestingly small kitties crush the almighty ethereum building hahaha. Nice concept.
I like your fishbank promo