EJ, I'd advise you to appreciate what is imminently present at hand, rather than making the present into something you desire. If you wish to be an influential body to others, display attributes that bolster greatness in others, as opposed to what you would be happy for others to conjure. To teach is at times to see the lesson, and not always for the lesson to be taught. To be supportive of someone is also to appreciate & encourage differences, to embrace what is naturally occurring & bring out the best in the people & situation, for if you cannot, think about your criticism before you apply it. Remember that life is good :)
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Belle... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, because I don't understand, that's why I'm sorry. I try to appreciate the present, but my present sucks, that's the plain reality, that's why I want to make it better, maybe I'm not the best putting ideas together and saying sweet words, I for one I'm sure of that, I just say what comes to mind, whether it's a small comment or a huge one. I don't expect anything of others, "display attributes that bolster greatness in others, as opposed to what you would be happy for others to conjure", I'm sorry if I can't go around saying everything is going to be fine when I don't believe it, but I'm not asking anyone to do what they don't want or what would make me happy, on the other hand, all I tell everyone is to relax and enjoy, life is too fickle to live it sad and depressed... it's a hard world out there, no two ways about it, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, that's why I tell people that it's not wrong to take a break and relax, to enjoy and ignore other people's expectations and instead live their lifes honestly, doing what THEY want instead of what people EXPECT of them.
I have close family with health diseases and mind diseases as well, sweet words only hurt more, telling the wife of my uncle that everything is okay, that everything is good only seem to hurt her more when things go wrong... instead we've found it's better for her to try and be normal, to work and chat with us in peace... maybe that's why I just treat everyone the same, I don't pity anyone or think that they can't live without me, quite the opposite, I tell them to live without me, that I'd there for them when they need me, but... IDK, I don't even know what I should tell you or how to explain the way I think... I never edit these comments so they always end up being longer than they should but I can only suggest people what has worked for me... back in school when I was suffering from bullying and many other things and suicide seemed like a good option, saying sweet words only made it worse, trying to live under someone else's expectations only made it worse... I never fit into anyone's expectations and I don't expect anyone to comply with mine.
You might think I'm just making things at this point or something else... but I don't... I'm seriously hurt by this comment and I'm seriously hurt by the fact that you posted it, because if you did it means my message didn't go through to Artsy... my lack of social skills once more shine and I hurt someone when all I wanted to do was to give support and to tell them to take it easy and relax... I'm going to end this comment here before it get worse, sometimes it's better to just shut up and don't let anyone peer into your heart too much. Please tell Artsy I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention but it would seem like hypocrisy if I told her myself and I don't want to make things worse. Do you think I should erase the comment so she isn't reminded? not that it matters much now, but I can't take back what I said.