Crunchyroll’s “original” and “diverse” anime looks terrible…

in #art6 years ago

Crunchyroll has announced that they’ll be making original “western Anime” I wonder how it is going to loo…Oh. Never mind:


Dear god, all I can say is don’t let this represent Western Animation PLEASE! “Our characters are diverse.” Means they are the same as every other character with colored hair, shaved head, and tattoos. And as you can imagine the people that are creating this are far from being “diverse”


Here is a tip for you guys, an entire staff composed of the same kind of person and sex with pallet-swapped hair is the opposite of diverse It is really ironic to see people brag about how diverse their creative team is (When they aren’t) like they are only there to fill a quota for their imaginary woke credit. It is already a dead giveaway that the staff writers are trying to virtue signal as hard as she can about diversity. That alone is already a sign that says that the show will be subpar quality. You know what I really do find funny about all of this? These are the same people who are always the first to talk about whitewashing and saying something is racist for not being inclusive enough. So why is the entire production staff of this show white women? And that is not even touching the terribly generic art style.


It has a highly unimaginative Tumbler Cal-Arts style of animation that now seems to be all the rage with Western animation companies these days. I have come to an obvious conclusion that Western companies should not produce any animation until they get their shit together. But there is a silver linning to all of this: At least these wackadoodle feminists are making their own show and not trying to change an existing Anime/Manga series or it’s fan base…


Hahaha everyone's ganging up on Crunchyroll! Check my post too. I've also written on the subject. They're getting it pretty bad when even the dead anime tag is suddenly active complaining about them.