The type of stone ring in Indonesia is very much where different regions are different types of ring stone, but the popularity of the stone is certainly based on the quality and results of lab tests stating that this gemstone is worth considering to be popular.
Aceh jade for example is currently very popular because it won many times the agate contest in various regions in Indonesia that makes jade aceh increasingly popular even though now little-bye the rock statue of aceh began to fall because of decreased purchasing power. But there are still many stone rings in Indonesia are still popular.
the jade stone jade from aceh that we can find on the market, but the most popular is jade solar aceh which some time ago won the agate contest in Jakarta who beat other stone ring in Indonesia. But actually the idocrase stones are green moss which is the most expensive aceh jade that defeats the moss rock of dareh river from West Sumatra.
Black jade or blackjade is also quite popular but because the resources or raw materials are so abundant that the selling price is very low, whereas the quality of blackjade from aceh origin is very good which is often used as jade therapy.
Then there is also Kalsedon Ring Rock in aceh known as cempaka stone where a lot of various kinds of cempaka kalsedon stone this depends on the color, ranging from pomegranate cempaka to cempaka honey stone which several times won contest agate in various cities in Indonesia .
The stone of the calcainon rings is often found in the type of stone that hollow inside the known known as combong stone, crystal granules often cover the inner surface of this calcone rock.
Here are some types of stone rings that I know, maybe there are many other types I hope the future I can discuss Everything.
Thank You For Reading
Beautiful stone.I like this stone.
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Pue batee njan aduen lagak that.
Dumpu jenis Bate na Hino bak Kamo.
Terima Kasih telah berkunjung
pu na giok sineuk bang lah
Macam model na barang bak alamat di Ateuh.
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