Breath, relax, and chill.
You are a Steemian now. We are changing the world...we just arent going to do it in a week. LOL.
Great post....who will win...bull or bear...always a question in play.
I think this quarter will really increase what is happening around here. By April I believe we will all be amazed.
It's not that the pace of Steem is bothering me, it's the chaos of being a freelancer combined with my frequently sidelined creative goals - I have a good project that's been stalled on and off since november.
I guess there's a silver-lining to my discontent - it's causing me to be more dedicated to steem and crypto in general - I suppose if I were a content cubicle monkey like I was in 2007, I might not be so fired up to change my life around. I might clock out and just pursue whatever leisure activities were in front of me, having a false sense of security in my 401k and the 'stability' of the company I worked for.
Although I don't comment enough, I'm still doing my best to keep up with your posts.☺