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RE: Blonde Hair Girl - Colored pencil drawing

in #art7 years ago

Wow! It's amazing!

You know, I have a dream to have a portrait like this. It's not a huge dream and it is easy to be realized. But still... Every time when I see an artist drawing a portrait of someone, I take a few minutes to admire the process. But I get so shy to ask to draw a portrait of me. Hmm... Strange, right?:) I wonder, if there is a portraitphobia 😅

Anyway, your work is brilliant! 😊


Ahaha I know what you mean. I never had anyone drew me before. You’re pretty, I’m sure one of these day your dream will come true. 😊

Thanks for a compliment 😊
P.S, But you can do a self-portrait, right? 😉