
Ah, thanks. I also just read your post about your strategy when entering Steemit. You have a terrific ability to grasp how systems function. I'm still trying to get my head around the 3 currencies here, and right away you delved into delegating your SP. Bravo, @tcpolymath.

Oh, my cousin got back to me about Lake Superior. He says, "...actually the depth is not a problem since the scale is so small. ...for most lakes the depth is actually at a larger scale than the outline to get something that isn't just flat. Superior probably would be more accurate, but these are more of a map than an exact 3d model."

Then he added he has the data on all the Great Lakes except Superior, and that the place that provides this info just hasnt finished Superior yet.

You have a terrific ability to grasp how systems function.

I have been doing this for a long time. There was a while when I was making my money off of casino promotions, which makes this stuff seem straightforward and non-time-sensitive.

I mean to email your cousin but I'm still trying to conceptualize what I'm looking for. It's easy to say "that's great work" and much harder to answer the "how does that fit into my house" question.

True distinction, between admiring art and having it in one's home. If the day comes you find a home for such a piece within your home, he'll be happy to hear from ya.