Good evening. Here the posting art tonight I share my edits using photoshotp. In this photo I edit 3 photos. That is a woman, the Earth and the background. To become one.
Actually this photo I have long edit, but only now can I post. This photo also I make tutorial on youtube. The duration to edit it I only need half an hour.
Sorry if editannya less good. But this is my own work. I more often using adobe photoshop and corel draw as well. If asked? Which is easier. I can answer your Photoshop. Because in this application I can photo manipulation of any kind.
This is just my post tonight. Wait for my next work. 🤔😂
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Seni menampi
Menampi maksudnya ? hehe
Menanpi adalah membalik-balikkan besar didalam tampi itulah
haha ya" baru paham.
Hahah saya pun kurang tahu cara menjelaskan..
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