I saw a white crow yesterday, flanked by two black ones and flying southwest in a hurry, as if carrying an urgent message.
I never thought I'd see a white crow. Such a rare encounter was one that I had presumed was limited to the shaman, so I wondered what the shaman would have learned from the experience, had there been one around.

Three Crows
It started when I heard a caw in the sky, and it's emotional tone was what caused me to glance upwards. At first, it looked like two black crows against the blue sky, but in between them was a white one, and just then they flew out of sight over the canopy of maples.
Were They Attacking the White Crow?
I was initially stunned at what I'd seen, and immediately assumed that the two black crows were attacking the white one, running the poor bird out of their territory because of it's unusual white feathers. I supposed that they were afraid of the difference in pigmentation, and that they were unable to accept the crow-ness of the white bird.
I imagined the sad life of a such a bird being attacked and chased from each new region that it ventured into, and wondered then how it had survived for so long.
Before I could finish imagining such a dreadful life for the white crow, another crow cawed from the north, and then flew overhead with a similar urgency as the others. Instead of a battle cry though, it's voice had been one of concern, and it quickly flew the same direction as the white crow had gone.
Were They Protecting the White Crow?
Crows are messengers, with each call an intelligent phrase for all of the forest to hear, but in my haste, without listening, I had begun building a judgement of the character of these black crows, deciding that they were attacking the white crow. The sound of the event told the real story though, and when I listened to the birds and their valiant caws, I realized that it was possible that they were actually guarding the white crow.
It's what I would do.
I would protect such a rare creature, and if I were also a crow, I think that I would recognize the white crow as the shaman of the tribe, one who could see in the dark, and one who might lead us out of our troubled shadows.
A Different View of Things
If I were a shaman, I might have come away from seeing a rare white crow with a different message, some profound wisdom for humanity's benefit. As a regular human though, I was forced to look at myself, and how quickly I had judged the other two black crows-- how so immediately I had begun thinking that they were attacking the white bird.

The 'Eagle' Formation
The three crows were flying straight and fast. They were in tight formation, and with the white crow in the center, I imagined that perhaps they were intentionally mimicking a bald eagle. With two black fingered wings and a white head in the center, I then saw clearly what it was that I had been told, and could still hear what I had just seen; the two black crows boldly escorting the white crow to a safer area-- protecting their shaman.
What I Learned From the White Crow
I don't know what the message was for the shaman, but the message that I got was one about myself, a personal message about casting judgement, instead of seeing or hearing what was real.
I will be careful now to mind which thoughts are truly mine, and which ones are given to me by society and culture.
When I took the time to look at what I had seen, and listen to what I had heard instead of thinking I knew what was going on, I saw what was going on.
I'll be careful not to judge others too quickly.
I feel fortunate to have seen that white crow yesterday, and I believe that I received it's message about casting judgement, and making deaf assumptions about the character of others.
There really is a lot that we can learn about ourselves from nature.

click @therealpaul for more
Oh wow, that would definitely be a sight to see!! We have white deer in our region, called Seneca White Deer, and they are a rarity as well. Sadly a few years back someone or more than one were poaching them for their fur, and the population dwindled to the point that the stretch of road where they can generally be seen- protected behind the former army depot gate- was absent of them for a long while. Just the other day I saw my first one in quite some time, unfortunately it was not a convenient place to stop for a photo. But here is one I found online:
You definitely live in a unique place-- I've never even heard of white deer until now! That is very cool that you have seen one recently, nature knows what it's doing.
I wonder if the weather around the lake(s) causes the snow to linger longer, so that they developed this look for camo?
this is a miracle that has happened to your hidum, hopefully you can be a success, I am amazed with the arrival of a bird that can make you change, semoha daymu fun, and always successful, I will always support you, I will upvote and restem
Yes all of the animals have messages for us, if we open our ears to it. Thanks for commenting on this.
yes, hope you can be a good and successful person yes
White crow would have been an interesting sight!
There was a raven carrying on in one of my trees close to midnight last night. Why is beyond me as they're usually well and truly asleep well before then o_O
I'm starting to think that they are talking to us when we hear them. Fortunately, most say that the crows and ravens usually bring a message of good news-- in your case, 'late, breaking news'. So congratulations, in advance, for whatever that raven was squawking about!
I wish I knew now! Unfortunately I don't understand raven! And I totally believe you. I win feet if they stupid baby talk at us the same way.
It is never up to us to judge. Even when real judges judge they are wrong in 10-20% of cases. The world is an unfair place by nature, lets not make it more unfair by judging.
Yes I think many of those judgements that I still tend to make are put there by the culture that I live in, and are not my own ideas. I try to use logic to determine which ideas are true, and which ones are engineered into my society.
God speaks through nature and through the fowl of the air. We can learn and gain so much wisdom from it thank you for sharing. @therealpaul
Thanks for looking in!
Yo this is a beautiful occurence, as for what would the shaman see - well the shaman did see didn't he? I think occassioanlly we can stop kidding ourselves and trust our own capacty to be the shaman, or that we have already been or one day will become. Some kind of sneak peak beyond the linear time line.
In the first nation peoples animal 'medicine' the crow brings the message of magic, and you can define it further as being 'a shift in consciousness'. So fairly hair raising to see you describe your own shift in consciousness as these crows brought the message.
The white or albino animal has always been a strong message for the indigenous, and cultures with a deep link to gaia. It's related to this current gateway we are going through with (seemingly) so many folks waking up. At least it seems that way if your life is geared toward it, or spend a lot of time on Steemit :D
In terms of
We can only really look to ourselves again.
We are the solution simply by inhabiting a more expansive consciousness be that shamanic or in whatever form
Great Post, Much Love
You got it right, and my goal in writing this was to allow the reader to become the shaman that they already are, instead of waiting to be led from the shadows.
This gateway that we are in, I've definitely noticed an increase in awareness that seems to be greatly assisted by the internet, and of course enhanced by steemit as a ledger of it all. It's interesting to learn that the white crow is associated with that increase of awareness too. I've been watching this increase in pure consciousness incrementally pouring in since maybe the mid eighties, so the contrast is apparent for me now.
I didn't even know white crows existed. I'm jealous! I thought they would go only near mountains sites.
Assuming that the birds can see colors in the same way human do, do you think they have awareness and sense of rationality to understand the rarity of a specie and consider to protect it?
I had a friend years ago who saw a white crow out in the countryside near this town, and I was jealous too! Never thought I would see one. It's a rare thing.
Most birds do see in color, and crows are known for their sharp vision and intelligence, so I'm sure they can see the difference. The crows tend to work in groups, and they naturally protect each other, but also protect the other animals in the forest with their language, warning anyone who will listen. I can't be certain that they were specifically protecting the white bird for any reason, but I translated my own feelings to the birds, and their calls suggested cooperation with each other up there. I've never seen crows act aggressively, even when the blue jays are diving and pecking at them, they stay cool.
You are very lucky to watch white crow flyingin the sky.In india too the voice of crow regarded as symbol of some news,mainly the arrival of guest in the house.Your pictures are realy very beautiful.Thanks and wish you good time dear.
I feel like it was a very special thing to see, and I do feel lucky. Thanks for looking in!
"When I took the time to look at what I had seen, and listen to what I had heard instead of thinking I knew what was going on, I saw what was going on." That is an amazing out take!
It seemed a little redundant when I read it back, but it said what I meant somehow!
wow, Its really Great Art and nature...thanks for great share.