Great post, Rick!
- I've been to Paris several times, and never made it to the Louvre! The one time that I had set aside time for it, it was closed! So I went to the Musee d'Orsay in stead. And last time, I went to Montmartre. But the Louvre is still on my bucket list. I have friends in Paris, so on my next visit ...... my stays are usually very short, connected to exhibitions.
footnote: seen the Notre Dame in its original glory, before it burned down!
Oh, we did the Louvre and d'Orsay. That was the most exhausting week that I can remember as far as walking around is concerned. But you can easily spend months trying to see everything. It is totally worth going to the Louvre if you get a chance. I'm pretty sure that we'll go back next time we're in Paris. There is still a lot to see!
same in Vienna (and I live there, lol) - have not seen everything yet. The KHM in Vienna is not as large as the Louvre, but I usually make it 4 trips (4 main sections).