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RE: 3rd Weekly Sketch Contest

in #art8 years ago

Hi @dcrockete-I would like to submit this for my entry if it is ok. I am not sure if stippling is acceptable. This is an old timer-one of my favorite but feel free to share your opinion, if it is not acceptable I am happy to withdraw. Also, I have a sketch-a nude of a lady do I have to tag nsfw for that? Not sure😕


Looks ok for entry to me. NSFW entries are also accepted, I will refrain from adding the image directly to the announcement post but a link to it will be added instead.

Ok cool-thanks for that. I couldn't remember if stippling was part of sketching, plus, this is the final product, I am not going to do anything else to it-although the nose didn't come out right 🙄

A sketch really doesn't have a definition. Nor does it every really have to go past this stage. Most of the time it doesn't even have to be done on the same surface the final piece is going to be on. Most portrait painters will paint a "sketch" of their subject before starting the final. Usually a much smaller scale.

I agree however a lot of times with contests there are some rules set and I just wanted to make sure you were ok with it. Thanks for that :) you are awesome!