The THEUNIONSUPPORT account will support to give greater visibility to users who publish art. Five articles will be voted daily in collaboration with THEUNION.
La cuenta THEUNIONSUPPORT servirá de soporte para dar una mayor visibilidad a los usuarios que publican arte. Diariamente se se votarán cinco artículos en colaboración con THEUNION.
@helenelenoble | [FR] + [EN] Color study #1 |
Hello everybody! It's been a long time again with no posts, because of too much work! But now its a bit more quiet :-) That's why I wanted to make some kind of color challenge.
@marya77 | [CR]Step by step painting |
@jeremiahcustis | PENCIL: Sacred Unicorn |
It was getting dark so, I sketched the outline quickly. It wasn't exactly like the source, but none of my students noticed.
@irenenavarroart | Amigurumi: We bare bears |
¡Saludos! en esta ocasión les comparto estos amigurumis que realicé de la serie animada Escandalosos o We bare bears en inglés, creación de Daniel Chong que se transmite por Cartoon Network.
@greenleaves | Animal drawing |

Everything is more beautiful in green. Would it be so beautiful if nature had a color other than green? for today I added some new green leaves to my drawing.
After clicking on the link, you must accept the amount of sp, then your name will be included steemit user and your active private key and accept it. Remember to leave at least 50SP in your account.
Después de hacer clic en el enlace, deberás aceptar la cantidad de sp, a continuación ingresa tu nombre de usuario de steemit y tu clave activa privada y dale aceptar. Recuerde dejar al menos 50SP en tu cuenta.
Puedes apoyar a nuestros testigos dando click a su respectiva imagen.
Thank you very much for the highlight, , @theunionsupport! :-)
You are welcome, good work.