Ooh I love this!!! Spidey should make more great stories(especially scary/creepy ones~)
I don't really know "tales" of ghosts specifically but I can at least name you some! Forgive me if my brief descriptions of them aren't accurate since "some peeps say this, some peeps say that" kind of thing. Pontianak(kinda like a female vampire???), toyol(a lil' devil/gremlin like creature that steals), orang minyak(a supernatural creature covered in oil that rapes women) and pochong(a wrapped undead corpse that can jump very far)
AAAA thilah likey ghosty stories too??? :D
That last one sounds really funny XD.... How far can it jump ????
Yesh!!! I like the spooks
unless they're zombies... or more along the lines of it can "spread" kind of thing if you know what I mean. Use to get pretty bad nightmares about those scenariosPffft not sure though I do remember one of the stories from the book series, True Singapore Ghost Stories saying they encountered one and at first it was super far but got super close to him in under a few seconds but I guess that doesn't really answer your question all that well dgjskdf