10 Acting Tips For Beginners Acting the Part.1

in #art7 years ago

Anyone can say lines in a play but acting the lines out in a story is
different and takes hard work. The person needs to become the character
who states the lines within the personality of the character who is
speaking. This acting tip remains important for any actor or actress
newbie who is trying to act the part of a particular character.

Belief in Yourself.

Belief in yourself comes with practice and built in confidence. Self help
books on confidence are helpful and role modeling with family and other
interested actors and actresses will also help in the critiquing process.
Find out what you are lacking and need to work on to convince others
you are the character you are portraying. images (3).jpeg

Using your Body to Act out the Character.

The body and mind need to work together in convincing others about
the character. You must be able to use your body to portray the exact
attitude and physical mannerisms of the character. The tip is that the
actor must be able to use and believe in many of the emotions he feels
while acting.

Understanding the Script of the Character.

Not only must the actor understand the role of the character, but he must
also be able to understand the script itself. Talking to the director and
gaining insight on what the script is really about will help place the
person in the right frame of mind when acting out his part of the
character. This is a great tip for a beginner at acting.

Knowing the Character Completely.

Researching the character to fully understand the character being acted
out is important. The actor must fully understand exactly what type of
person the character is and what the character believes in as a person.
The actress must know the likes and dislikes of the character as if they
were her own.

Connection to the Character Emotionally.

Understanding the character and his life will help the portrayal of the
character emotionally. Knowing the emotions within the character and
believing in the emotions as if they were his own will benefit the play’s
success. This tip is about knowing what the character is feeling and
relating the feelings to his own life as well.

Practicing the Part of the Character.

Practicing the part over and over will help to gain strategies in knowing
the personality of the character. Being in the form of the character is


Getting enough sleep and setting time aside to fully concentrate on the
character is important and will help the role that is being portrayed to
work better and to flow smoothly. An actor’s part in a play or movie
must dedicate much time in the concentration of the part to gain depth
and full understanding of the project. The tip is that the imagination
must seem real and appear real to others.

Losing Yourself in the Role of the Character.

Being the character is important, as well as modifying some areas within
the play to make it seem real. Sometimes, parts may be changed
regarding the character, which flow nicer and are more lifelike within
the play or movie. Sometimes, mistakes are blessings in disguise.
Teamwork and Bonding with Coworkers.

Everyone who takes part in a play or movie project have importance.
The more the merrier as one might say or suggest. The biggest acting tip
is getting along with others on the set and finding a way to letting others
know that you appreciate their parts in the project.