Seven things that affect our life in new year!

in #art5 years ago


Hi I'm Saba and today I wanna introduce a traditional event to you.
All over the world, people celebrate new year's eve in their own ways with their own tradition and Iranian people celebrate it as their own way too.
The new year's eve is on the first day spring on its month called Farvardin and it's on 20the March .
One of Iranians tradition for this eve is "sofre Haft sin" that meants something like "seven S letter table" because for doing that traditional thing people place seven things that in Persian language this stuff starts with S letter .
So here I'm gonna name them one by one and tell you why they put them beside each other on their new year's eve :


  • 1.Russian olive (called Senjed) : they put it on the table that everybody promise to him/herself to do everything wisely and in its right way cause Russian olive is the symbol of wisdom and also loving others.


  • (called Sib): it is the symbol of beauty and health and it make people being out of any damage and also it is recommended to grandmas and granpas put the apple on the table because they are always worrying about the others.


  • 3.Grass (called Sabzeh): it is the symbol relife and reborn amd it makes that the new year become greener and happier ; also the green color makes people feel relax.


  • 4.Samanoo: it's kind of dish with juice of geminating wheat or malt mixed withflour that it's the symbol of power and beneficent and blessing and also patient and justice.
    it'skind of dish with juice of


  • 5.Garlic (called Sir): people put it on table because of two reasons one: because it's medicinal vegetable and second: knowing limits of yourself and others as contentment.


  • 6.vinegar (called Serkeh): it's the symbol of willingness and also it shows the difficulty of life that we even need them .


  • 7.Sumac (called Sumagh or SumaQ): it's the symbol of sunrise and restart.
    these seven things are the main stuff in the "Sofreh Haft Sin" but there are other things like : Mirror as the symbol of light that people put it up the table , Coin as the symbol of more money during the new year , fish as the symbol of born, being fresh and active and at the end is canddle as the symbol of light in the life.
    Thanks for reading my article ,
    Follow for more: @topplot

awesome 🤘🏿🤘🏿

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