Sorry about you mother, so nice of you to help her the way you do. Yeah, he was a real character. He was always telling off color jokes and giving his slightly warped opinions on things; he watched Fox News way too much. I remember watching the second plane hit the World Trade Center on television with him. We were like; what the fuck! For the next two years we were obsessed with it; it was like it never ended.
Ugh sorrow I am off track, memory lane and all. He was definitely more light than dark, but he had a darkness thrust upon him by fate. They actually severed his nerves in the hospital to stop his convulsions; if you can believe it. Even if they came up with a cure he was not getting any mobility back.
Its given me a different perspective for sure.
This picture from the internet kinda shows how I feel:
She took care of me my whole life (still does in many ways) so its time to support her in her time of need :)
You are a good son.