For me, art is a visual work meant to provoke a mental reaction from the viewer, whether emotional or intellectual. Someone may, in turn , say " is porn art, are graphs art; they evoke something?" I would say they were both art in a sense, but perhaps not "fine art". Of course I would not want to be the judge of that; my work is not that " fine" either.
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Ah the "is porn art?" debate, a classic. If it is, you'd have to consider reality t.v art too. Partially real/partially scripted, using film as a medium showcasing an other wise normal part of life in a fantastically edited way. I honestly wouldn't consider either.... unless highly creative ingenuity were in play. I think the base line is there needs to be some feeling of appreciation. The difference between a vacation photo and a artistic nature shoot. Doodles vs. drawings, expression vs art. If it isn't beautiful it's appreciated for it's creativity (i.e. finding the beauty it). Thanks for sharing your views and spinning my wheels!
I have friends who have worked in Reality Tv and they are all artists; animators, producers, directors; I would not say their work was not art. Not fine art, but convincing people that shit is real is definitely art.
We call the drawings our children do art, but not fine art. In my mind art is something anyone can do, but the value of a work of art is subjective.
"Convincing people" that it's real, another thing reality tv has in common with porn. Well even if you don't consider yourself "fine" I appreciate your art and would consider what you produce to be such, especially when compared to the hypothetical products of your friends highly paid day jobs and the common porn clip. Your piece "Gone bat shit" although ironically looks like a piece ON reality t.v shouldn't be compared to such, there really are no comparisons. Art shouldn't fit in a technical description or analytically thought about it, that's for the left brain. I would love to hear if your animator friend considered his work on reality tv to be art. It truly is subjective just like beauty itself.