Do not have much time to be on Steemit this week; as I am preparing for what may be one of my last openings at the Hive this weekend. (fingers crossed situation will improve)but I found some emails from an old project I was working on with a writer and I thought I would share.
They ghosted me after the last panel I sent; so I guess that was another failure on my docket of failures; sigh.
I shared this piece before on here.
Well they say the most successful people fail the most; not sure if true but holding close to that theory as I must be the most successful person in the world if that is true; lol!
I also sometimes don't have time enough to go on Steemit but that's okay :D
I find consistancy helps on here, but yeah, Everyone needs to get away sometimes.
Nice and beatiful art work and no worries sometime mistake or failure make as more stronger and I wish you best of luck in your future projects and works
Thank you, you as well:)