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RE: The Pointy Heads behinds The JuJu Gum Conspiracy Movie @juliakponsford @vachemorte

in #art7 years ago

Glad you enjoy it enough to vlog about it I will send the link to my business partner because I was trying to explain to him the Steemit experience. How can you do that? With this video I think he will understand.


V I have been trying to explain new tech experiences to people for a lifetime.
1996 sitting in the bank explaning to the manager that I need to be able to take credit card info from clients over the Internet to pay for online music lessons. His question "Whats the Internet?"

Its worth it though @vachemorte. Your partner needs to be convinced. Once the dust clears on JuJu id love to chat with you about some future possibilities for delivery in here. Exciting opportunities .

I know it hurts sometime to be ahead of the curves...
I am all ears for your exciting opportunities you know where to find me on discord!