Steemit exclusive WORLD PREMIERE of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 02 / Recruitment

in #art7 years ago (edited)


We've rolled out the red carpet, and given you VIP tickets to witness a historical moment for both film and the blockchain. We're thrilled you're joining us for the first ever release of a full length film on Steemit, grab your popcorn but be aware that there are known side effects from chewing THE JUJU!

If you just joined us start with EPISODE 01


Episode 02: Recruitment


14 original never aired anywhere else episodes. One episode a day (at 8pm EST timezone) for 2 weeks straight. We will keep the video links active for one month, until February 8th.

From us to you with love,
@vachemorte and @juliakponsford

*Disclaimer: Some people have had changes in behavior such as agitation, hostility, depression, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion while chewing JUJU GUM. If you notice some of these changes continue chewing JUJU GUM and get medical attention at some point but no need to rush.

Behind the scenes series posts by co-creator @juliakponsford:
the script / the casting / making the props / locations / outside promotion

Our interview with INFAMOUSLY FAMOUS MAGAZINE about this first ever feature film WORLD PREMIERE on STEEMIT.


It reminds me of watching an episode of the Prisoner many years ago, the music, the atmosphere set and the addictive weirdness of it all.
Brilliant work can't wait for the next episode.

At first i thought you were taking about the film Prisoner from director Denis Villeneuve who's a French Canadian just like me. (Excellent movie if you didn't saw it) But I didn't watch the series of that name.
Thank you for showing up to the party, those who do will be rewarded... with more gum to chew.

Really love the camera work and editing when the crowd on the street is surrounding dude with cell phones recording him. The acting here continues to be really awesome - the blonde hovering painfully close to the interviewees is AMAZING, she has some truly wonderful grimaces and facial expressions. Actually all those scenes of the recruitment interviews were really great - not sure why I enjoyed the button pressing scenes so much but something about that really resonated as well. Kick ass.

To clarify the @humanbot post which will go toward promoting The JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY (see below):

100% of the SBD payout from the above post will be used to promote future episodes of the JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY.

Whether that means buying votes through a bid bot, using the promote feature, or whatever, I will determine in collaboration with @vachemorte and @juliakponsford.

If you have ever loved something so much that you wanted to vote on it twice - go vote on that post and you are basically giving a second upvote to the JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY.

Much love - Carl "Humanbot" Gnash / @carlgnash

Thank you brother Carl in your robot form.
For the camera work and editing for the crowd on the street, what we wanted, was to see our character Paul, through their perspectives. Light reflex tests are well known to induce suggestibility to the unaware subjects... Don't you feel the urge to go buy some JUJU gum? Thank you for being you and being amazingly deluxe!!!!
Mad Love

Yes that is exactly what I loved about that scene with Paul and the crowd on the street. It was really well executed on the editing there :) BTW I love the credits when it comes to the section where it is all you and Julia :) Hilarious!

2 persons army. I told you before. We can't be to serious with our credits because the reality of our credits is ridiculous to start with... if that make any sense...

I'm glad your digging it, each day we are watching the episode before we post and trying to see it through new eyes, there are parts that still make me laugh or feel a certain way even after many viewings :)

Oh man, also I realized that the interview with Infamously Famous magazine that you guys posted a few days back was a wicked awesome meta thing. I assumed it was some online periodical, but holy crap, it's a magazine WITHIN the show!! Awesome awesome awesome :D:D

Holy crap! That one flew over my head! Thank you for pointing that out

I had a giddy moment when I realized :D

Nice catch we were wondering how many people would notice ;)

I didn't I missed that post 😞 Don't test me, just let me watch it and enjoy it lol

I noticed it too, so cool!

I love that kind of stuff and it totally pulled me further into the universe of the film!

Haha! Of course that's our little games that we set-up to test the viewers :P

Oooh a test!
Multiple choice???

yes a few hidden secrets during the film. I heard before that good director should be cryptic...

Dude I love that kind of stuff! You guys clearly put a lot of work into the details. As an audience member, I think it really paid off and enhanced my enjoyment of and absorption into the film. I am literally just waiting in anticipation for this thing to bend my mind xD

God damn I'm scared now.

No need to be just keep calm and keep chewing juju gum because it's good for you...
Also congrats on winning art explosions 22, Julia and I really liked your track.

Thank you so much, "vices" was a theme I'm familiar with lol.

I'm so glad you 2 did this, along with the cast and crew. It's been an awesome experience so far and it's barely 2 episodes haha

The cast was amazing 80 superb people crazy enough to follow me in my madness and I am indebted to them forever. For the crew on the other end there is none. Only Julia and I...

It might be a little scary but I think you'll like the ending ;)

Awesome, I love all the stage setting and ambiguity that's going on here. Whatever it's building up to, I can't imagine. Also I'm very into each character's little idiosyncratic quirks.

You point it out perfectly, we are at the set-up stage. stick with us up to episode 4 where the action begins...

Hell, you know I'm gonna stick with the whole thing! Oh by the way, I gave your album a couple listens; I really enjoyed it all, have you considered putting it up on bandcamp with some art?

Yes possibly later ALL my best shit for Steemit first until I have nothing left to give... That will bring us around 2 weeks from now.. :)

Thanks for watching fungus monk! Glad to have you in the front row, Still lots to come!

So cool to have that little cameo in there!! Its becoming more and more intense, I can't believe all the work you put into this! This is a great gift to steemit!

Good eye on catching the cameos ;)

Thank you guys. It's true we see this as our gift to Steemit crowd and specially for all the amazing friends we made here! It's also cool to show this project while retaining 100% of the rights! Glad you made it that far, let's see how long you last :)

Being the master of your own art is the ultimate freedom. So glad to see a movie through the eye and the untainted lens of the creators. Cheers to you!
How long will I last? You mean how long can I wait to see episode 3!!! Come on guys.. put it now! lol, (will be there faithfully tomorrow! Like you would!(and should))

It's getting crazy now!
Seriously, I got some anxiety when he was in the street surrounded by the cell phone gang!
Your angles, edits, and lighting are awesome and of course the music is outstanding.
It reminds me of an acid trip I once had lol

Oh and I saw you both during the testing scene right???

:) you did....

Haha I dropped a few in my younger years I guess that could explain a lot about me and my art...
The crazy parts are not here yet but it's coming take my word for it. Big hugs to you and Shane and thank you for your support Julia and I appreciate it to the max!!! You are a talented one of a kind gem of steemit.

I've got a bad feeling about this lol I'm thinking this JuJu Gum maybe a bad thing? Although I didn't see Paul chew any and I'm not sure how the ppl that broke into his apt are connected with it just yet?..guess I have to keep watching 😊 That blonde lady that plays the trainer is so creepy, well done. Intense! You did great work with the music and effects. Need more now!

That lady character's name is Margo in the film and she is so AMAZING you will see that she can do creepy next level tomorrow. Everything will make sense at some point...I think. If you have still have unanswered questions when it's all said and done I will be fully available to clear things out. Really happy you are watching. Did you enjoy the party you didn't want to go to?

It'll all become clearer, Margo the blonde one was absolutely amazing!

My heart goes out to Paul Moore.

Welp, this was superbly unsettling the whole way through. Disturbing, even.

@vachemorte, I loved the ambient sound design you employed throughout this episode. It kept me in a nearly constant state of tension and suspense. It straight up made me paranoid.

I appreciated the way that you guys executed Paul's experience at the beginning of the episode. With all of his electronics turned on, and an X on his forehead. It would be terrifying to wake up to that, and extremely confusing.

I also really liked the woman at the "job interviews", especially when they were at the gun range. The individuals firing the guns had proper ear protection, but she was just plugging her ears. It seemed to enhance the unspoken idea that there's just something not right about those people. The music there also maintained a very uneasy mood, but her speaking was calm and reassuring. It created a weird dissonance that made me unsure how to feel, which added to my sense of tension.

I noticed a quick flash of the Juju logo on the back of the magazine at 6:09. Subtle reinforcement, quick and in plain sight. :D


Be careful, they give you NIGHTMARES!

Is it at all strange that nightmares peak my interest? o.O LOL

Haha they don't need any protection because they are crazy! You already figured that out (between me and you this is a green screen with a plastic gun :) Music is always important to me so I sculpted each sound personally and I am proud you felt uneasy which was the intention we had. There are a lot of hidden JUJU logos throughout the film, part of our mind control suggestion tactics....
You will find out more about the evil organisation tomorrow!

@vachemorte, you've done a fantastic job of conveying mood and emotion in the sound design. I think it's work that requires serious insight into how different sounds move people. I thought the music in the first episode was great, but especially the atmospheric sounds here worked to tie everything together exceptionally well. Very professional feeling and even managed to slip past my attention it was so appropriate, and I was trying to notice it! Lol

I get excited about crazy meta 4th wall breaking stuff and I love conspiracies, so, you know, I'll come back for my juju tomorrow, same vach time, same vach channel.

I told you! Keep chewing JUJU gum you will see the light my friend. Already I can feel your mind expending, you vision become clearer and you hear sound that you never heard before... You also uncovered (the first to mention it, congrats) our fake magazine stratagem. Those are all sign that the JUJU is getting a grip on you. Embrace it.

Your music is sick! The time and effort you guys put into this stomped anything else that I have seen on steemit. Love the camera angles and trippiness.

Some people only chew in life
Other people actually do in life

Thank you so much brother.
Music is always been my life I don't remember otherwise.
Those that keep chewing might loose their teeth and have organ failure but I assure you they will see the light of truth before the end. Every door that's been open will be closed....

wsy past losing my teeth, sprry if my typimg is bad, i;ve already lost 6 fimgertips to JUJU's alleged side effevts but it's worth it. I just keep chewing! #lemonparty

That's the spirit! Who needs to type anyways? Keep chewing it seems like the only viable option.
What the fuck is a lemon party?

We only have so many chewing days so we may as well use them wisely 😊

Yup, here today... Chew tomorrow!

Loving it more today. I am so glad you guys made this thing happen!

Thank you the intensity is ramping up from here on out!

Yo Jon! Non stop for 2 weeks stay with us and you will be rewarded.
My lawyer ask me to add the disclaimer when I incite people to chew Juju gum, sorry about that:


  • Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions while using JUJU GUM. Some people had these symptoms when they began chewing JUJU GUM, and others developed them after several weeks of treatment or after stopping chewing JUJU GUM. If you, your family, or caregiver notice agitation, hostility, depression, or changes in behavior, thinking, or mood that are not typical for you, or you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion, continue chewing JUJU GUM and call your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems before chewing JUJU GUM, as these symptoms may worsen while chewing JUJU GUM.
    Some people can have serious skin reactions while chewing JUJU GUM, some of which can become life-threatening. These can include rash, swelling, redness, and peeling of the skin. Some people can have allergic reactions to JUJU GUM, some of which can be life-threatening and include: swelling of the face, mouth, and throat that can cause trouble breathing. If you have these symptoms or have a rash with peeling skin or blisters in your mouth, continue chewing JUJU GUM and get medical attention at some point but no need to rush.

I am feeling the JUJU, amazing guys !!

Glad to see you chewing. You are part of our steemit family YU!!!

Another great episode man!

Glad you are on the JUJU train brother. I saw your homestead video unable to comment or vote on my phone but really cool, I kind of want to set-up something similar in the not too long future I hope!
More gum to chew ahead don't stop until the ziziphus ziziphus kick in around ep04. When it's all said and done with the JUJU I will go back to rock the Uke! SO keep the metal heart alive during my absence I know you are doing a fantastic job at that everyday!
ps: this morning I had a blast listening some old Celtic Frost, Kreator, Crumbsucker, Corroner all the shit from 25+ years ago and I was rocking like when I was a teen...

Real old school metal right there. I've a lot going on with my former lead guitarist, @jordanowen42 and myself animating the corpse of my old band Incarceri9. he just joined steemit and we're writing and releasing the tunes here on Steemit. So the metal is being mined \m/

Ooohhh its getting reallllllll... shts about to go down!!!

Next episode we will get your mind ready to kill at will without you even remembering it...
then...shit gonna go down!

Nice post, beautifully presented and explained. detail oriented with nice pics and 2nd episode is epic .... I liked 1st one also.

Check my blog for latest posts and updats @kingjan

*dramatic announcer voice*
The story thickens! Things are starting to make some sort of sense... Tune in tomorrow for another gripping episode of JUJU CONSPIRACY!!!
cue dramatic music

Yes I taught doing the classic voice
"In a world......" that you ear on all fucking trailer and decided to have zero narrative. But I totally get what you are saying :)

Um...was episode two like half the length of episode 1?!? AHHHH! Is it tomorrow already....I want more JuJu!
In all seriousness... You guys have done such a great job with everything leading up to the premiere. I already felt invested and now we just go beyond(if that's possible).

the 14 episodes length ranges between 9 minutes and 13 minutes. If you want to chew JUJU GUM go ahead it's good for you :D
Glad our campaign brought you in the conspiracy realm. and yes it's possible...

I'm super impressed and really enjoying it. Great work! Can't wait for the next episode.

word!! You won't need to wait long we are 4 hours away as I write this. Glad you dig it :)

This is smashing!! Got to get all caught up with this!!

Keep chewing brother!! Because it's good for you...

Awesome work , loving the vibe you guys being with sound and video. Keep up the amazing work. 🤘

word! Thanks for watching.

Thanks Todd, 12 more days I hope we manage to keep it up :D

Sorry @vachemorte @juliakponsford I missed the next episodes and right now I started watching them one by one!
this episode had some great video editing and special musics and also I liked the meaning behind this, it shows the government jobs and the state of those who become famous, if I say it right :)
great job as always!!

No sorry needed brother, you have a 3 weeks to watch it. After that everything will fade from your mind like it never happened.......

So many stuff going through my head while watching this; Early Peter Jackson, Poltergeist, David Cronenberg, David Lynch, John Carpenter (the soundtrack), Black Mirror and even Blade Runner. All movies and directors that I like a lot. Funny enough, I wrote a post on lesser known sci-fi movies today, where I spoke about the human tendency to label everything.

I know that you can't always put a label on something or someone and it isn't necessary - nor should you try to understand everything - but, what I'm trying to say with the above, is that this project is unique and a pleasure to watch. An intense kind of mix of many of my favorite flavours.

Can't wait to watch part 3 and will do my best to come up with another worthy comment.

Yo Vince my man!
The first thing I did I jumped right away on your list to see what movie I could watch this week-end.
Would you be surprised if I tell you I saw all of them? I did. Even if some of those are super obscur. I will have to double check if I actually saw The man from earth because it look super familiar. Julia and I are super obsess with film (obviously). One of our running gag is that we often say at loud when we are looking for a new film to watch: "We saw EVERYTHING!". Technically it's impossible but we kind of did :/
You are not in this position as we are releasing a film right here right now that nobody ever saw before :)
Lucky you. I saw it. It's pretty fresh! (sarcasm I am laughing right now)
All your labels are pretty faltering because all those movies have bigger budget for one lunch break, that we have for the entire project...
I am realizing now that I am commenting on episode 2 so you have more chewing to do because the ziziphus ziziphus chemical usually kick in after 4 episodes.
Talk to you further down the line.

Yes guys!! So happy that you’re pumping filmmaking here on steemit!

Oh another film maker we've been looking! Nice to have you on board the juju train!

word dude! bring your flavor of gum to the crowd, we all like to chew.

JU have us totally mesmerized!


Yes that is the idea just keep chewing and stay calm everything gonna be alright. aaaaaalllllllllllright! that feel alright. alllllllllrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiigggghhhhhhhhhhhtttttt. that feel alright. you'll be ready.

Film making with fun, too much traffic on this post.

really good conspiracy . keep doing like that , more people seeing this post , haha .

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This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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wow bro, its awesome

Just thrilling

nice post and video

Burada çok yeniyim umarım yakın zamanda bende ilerleme sağlarım sizler gibi yazınız için tebrikler 👏🙋‍♀️😊

make a lot of sense....

Thanks! I'll share this project with everyone who's not on Steemit yet. If this piece of art doesn't convince them to eventually join us, then I guess nothing can.